@Toronto Maple Leafs



by hutlet4


  1. 100MScoville

    for league minimum and only to keep him from ever being played against us

  2. GlennethGould

    This will be the washed up vet signing that finally gets us over the hump…

  3. latusthegoat

    This is like asking a team 15 years ago, “Do you want Tucker on your team or against you?”

  4. Cloooot

    Hate his guts when we play him. Of course I want him on my team.

  5. Zestyclose-Custard12

    1yr $800k. Still useful for what he can provide a team like the Leafs. A no-lose situation

  6. howsshegoin

    hardest possible no

    speed and skill should be the priority, not taking needless penalties and clogging up transition play

  7. thrilliam_19

    Pros: we don’t have to play against him.

    Cons: we will make the finals then lose.

  8. ComputerSaysnooooo

    I hate this guy so much. So ya I’d take him on the 4th line

  9. nicknamed_nugget

    Yes please. If there’s one thing that these last few playoffs have proven, it’s that playing dirty works.

  10. backstreets_93

    People complain all day about how the Leafs have no toughness and then turn their nose up at Corey Perry.

  11. 4thlinedangler

    They’re signing him just to rough him up and bully him in the locker room. Fuck this worm

  12. TyranitarusMack

    I think I might skip watching next season

  13. Mean__Jerk__Time

    If he’s willing to take minimum, sure. But you need to ensure he has 2 linemates that can skate well to compensate.

  14. Gruz420

    Imagine how our captain would feel. Hell no, do not sign him.

  15. Two years ago – 100% yes. Probably would have been a better signing than Simmonds in terms of ability but now….he was pretty ineffective in our series after a handful of ok shifts in the first 1-2 games he was gassed. Not worth it at this point

  16. Immobile-Albatross

    If he’s on the leafs he gets a penalty every shift

  17. Longdeep47

    We’re missing some jam on the bottom six. I don’t see why this isn’t a win-win for our fourth line

  18. The_Bread_Sorcerer

    Perfect we’re almost guaranteed to make finals then 🤣

  19. VincentVegaQT

    I wish he had him in 2021 Covid year

  20. shanster925

    The Leafs have always been on the receiving end of bullshit dirtbag tactics in the playoffs, maybe they can dish it out.

  21. isotmelfny

    Fuck yeah cup’s coming home my homies!!

  22. LevelDepartment9

    definitely go for it. he is still effective in a limited roll on the 4th line or 2nd power play unit. imo was one of Tampa’s better players the past 2 playoff series.

  23. HockeyDad84

    Fuck all you pussy fans who don’t want a player who plays like he gives a shit. Keep refreshing your feed for the comments you want to see.

    Feelings don’t matter. Results do.

  24. Big_Albatross_3050

    800 x 1-3, just so we have at least a season of not having to deal with this guy

  25. Steppyjim

    My only thoughts is that vein on his head is basically the English Channel for blood

  26. Anyone who I hate on other teams I will def like on my team

  27. daveinthe6

    We need more murders on this team. I miss when teams were afraid to play is.

  28. Murky-Smoke

    I’m gonna say no. Why? Because whenever the Leafs decide to take a gamble on a vet (Gio and Spezza being the exception) it always seems to be the year they completely fall off from their expected performance.

    Having said that… Leafs seem to be the team where dreams go to die, so he would be a perfect fit here, and we would ensure he never wins his final cup chase.

  29. Devine97

    Linked ?? All he did was mention the leafs could be a fit for Perry in a 32 thoughts article.

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