@Tampa Bay Lightning

Corey Perry crosscheck on Michael Bunting not called – Have your say!

Corey Perry took Michael Bunting down in the neutral zone away from the play. There was no call. Bunting and Perry ended up fighting a few seconds later and received offsetting fighting major penalties.


  1. I’m trying to give him the benefit of the doubt but if he’s doing full on summersaults over tiny bumps like that it’s hard to take him seriously.

  2. 2 minutes for diving… Just like the Leafs in the playoffs

  3. Alot of dummies here nothing but Neanderthals lmao crossed he gets up beat up perry idk what yall are seeing get glasses lmfao ps perry threw punches when bunting stopped whata bits lmao

  4. The NHL is the hardest professional sports league in North America to be a fan of based mostly on officiating.

    If I watch the NBA, MLB or NFL I know what the rules are and I can guess fairly accurately how things are going to be officiated. Whereas the NHL it seems the officials have way to much influence in the end results of the game and have free reign over ignoring the rule book and in other instances calling nothing plays all game while ignoring the more dangerous plays. It's the only sport where I hear people say "it depends on how the refs are going to call the game tonight" and now with legal sports gambling I don't like where any of this is going.

  5. I'm glad Bunting finally went after the guy on the other team instead of the refs. I don't really know how you don't call that a crosscheck, but also, I'd be ok with this one being embellishment. Four on four hockey.

  6. Dive my ass he git cross checked from behind going near full speed by an ogre. Get it together tampa fans. Hes probably rolloing to avoid injury u non sport playing fools

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