@Boston Bruins

Justin DiBenedetto vs David Krejci Sep 23, 2011

Justin DiBenedetto vs David Krejci from the New York Islanders at Boston Bruins game on Sep 23, 2011.


  1. @huzaifah123 you said "the bruins are cowards" you are the one who referred to the Bruins team as a whole, FUCKING IDIOT!

  2. @huzaifah123 HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA……you think one of the best fighters in the whole league is a coward? YOU ARE A FUCKING IDIOT! Oh yeah, that goes hand and hand with being an ISLANDERS fan!

  3. hahah see what I mean. so many dislikes on this video. its becuase its a BOSTON BRUINS video. and half the ppl who put up videos of the bruins and canucks series.. disabled there comments. and even put that they are sick of the bruins fans whining how they have a better them and shit. and he actually even said that if the canucks won the cup.. you wouldnt see many comments on youtube and bruins or canucks videos sayin how canucks are better and more skilled and shit.bruins fans are whack !!!

  4. @flyersfan4513 Ain't gonna lie, the Flyers have a great team. The goaltending was suspect at best but but y'all got Bryzgalov….I just hope that Philly is a good place to play for him and he doesn't fold under pressure come playoff time. The too many men call 2 years ago was poor attention on Julien's part as well as whomever the player was that forced that call. Oh well, it's a new year….

  5. @magich8ball yeah i agree man. nice to see a bruins that isnt an asshole haha. i just hope we can pull it together this year and get a rematch with u guys

  6. @flyersfan4513 Nah man, most of us aren't assholes. It's the frontrunners and some new school fans that ruin it for the rest of us. A rematch would be good though.

  7. @Only1NightTrain sore fucking canadian loooooooser WE GOT THE CUP WE GOT THE CUP in your your house in your ugly fucking face hahahahahahahahahahahaha

  8. @tna420wrestling I didn't removed it, was probably hockeyfightsdotcom.
    Just because a team has a lot of canadian players doesn't make it a canadian team.

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