@National Hockey League

It’s Not My Fault

It’s Not My Fault

by bogan6739


  1. HanSolo5643

    I mean, honestly, yeah. As someone who wants Florida to win the amount of complaining from their fans about the officiating, it makes me shake my head. Vegas is just the better team and has played better.

  2. PagingDrTobaggan

    Been saying since game 1 of the Bruins series, if half of Florida’s cheap shots get called, they’re going to be killing 12 penalties a game.

  3. Wyldling_42

    Not a fan of either team, but damn have the last 2 rounds of playoffs produced some amazing hockey games! I love this!

  4. SilentSonOfAnarchy

    Ohhh NOW it’s the refs fault.

  5. dookie-cannon

    Well yes, but also no. Tkachuk’s game 2 misconducts were both objectively bullshit. It’s the finals, nobody should be getting misconducts for clean hits and weak stick hacks

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