@Colorado Avalanche

Ominous Body-Cam Footage Reveals Disturbing Details

Seattle PD body-cam footage has given a bit more insight on what may have transpired between Colorado Avalanche forward Val Nichushkin and a woman reportedly from Ukraine, with Nichushkin missing five games following this incident due to ‘personal’ reasons. Rick Strom breaks it down. Give us your thoughts in the comments below!

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Rick Strom


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  1. Rick, most of the time I am supportive of your positions, but this one is perplexing. You should not have published this unwieldy story, without more concrete information. Because of this, whatever point you were trying to communicate, you have failed miserably.

  2. What I'm surprised about is don't they mute the bodycams themselves normally,claiming that its to hide sensitive information well prime example that they can be edited afterwards

  3. If I had to guess to what's going on I think that she could be a victim of human trafficking.

  4. To the commentors that have expressed that this story "is a reach" or Rick "shouldn't have reported". Say what??? What is your warrant for doing nothing? Someone needs to create a spark to get to the bottom of this. Please. The risk of a serious crime outweighs any image, privacy, or other (unstated) concerns. Sex trafficking is a thing. It happens everyday. Even if its evil grip has somehow luckily avoided touching the lives of your loved ones….know that these types of crimes have forever changed the lives of other families.
    Thanks Rick!

  5. Not surprised. Hockey Canada has been paying hush money for decades to cover up sexual assaults by their players. It only makes sense that this extends into the NHL as well – doing whatever they can to avoid accountability.

  6. The team is done with her so we need police to take her away!! Some investigation needs to be done here!!!

  7. Everything about this video screams sexual assault slavery and then disposals of the problem and yet everyone will turn a blind eye

  8. Sounds very suspicious!! This needs to be investigated by someone other than them. They keep muting.

  9. Why are the police allowed to mute their mics??
    It may be a case of human trafficing, "he took her passport"

  10. EMT" You don't get your phone anymore"
    Absolute bull$hit.
    He has no right to restrict her use of her phone.
    26+ years in EMS and I would only tell a person who was trying to use it as a weapon that.

  11. Wow….drinking booze in your hotel room in the UK is fine…..unless they mooch out and start getting silly!! ❤

  12. How can Lt. Fuller serve two masters… Denver Avalanche and Denver Police? Clearly, any comment by him is biased towards one of his masters and has to be discounted as worthless.

  13. Yep, this screams human trafficking. They took her passport his code for human trafficking.

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