@St. Louis Blues

/r/stlouisblues will go dark on June 12th in protest of Reddit’s API changes

Hey r/stlouisblues,

Recently you may have read ( in [The Verge](, [Motherboard](, etc.) that [Reddit is making changes to their API]( The key change being a move from a free model to a paid one. The proposed pricing is prohibitive to most, if not all, third-party app developers meaning they will be shutting down if these changes go into effect. You can read more about this on the [Apollo](, [Reddit is Fun](, and [Narwhal]( subreddits. As a moderation team, we rely on tools that require access to Reddit’s API in order to do our jobs effectively and grow our community.

Our community relies heavily on app usage, approximately 80% of r/stlouisblues pageviews in May used either an iPhone or Android app. But even if you don’t use an app to view the sub, your Reddit experience is likely to change. Things like bots and sidebar stats all utilize Reddit’s API and will most likely not continue after this change. [Reddit enhancement suite could also be affected.](

**On June 12th, we will be joining the** [**growing number of subs**]( **and locking our sub for 48 hours. During this time, you will not be able to view or post any content.**

We understand that many of you enjoy coming here every day (even during the off-season) to keep up with our team, but we believe this is our best course of action. We’re not asking Reddit to forgo making money, just to adopt reasonable pricing that doesn’t squeeze out the apps and tools we’ve come to enjoy and depend on.

If you’d like to join us, you can do so by staying off Reddit completely during this time. User disengagement with the site will send a strong message.


r/stlouisblues Mod Team

by stlouisbluesmods

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