@Montreal Canadiens

Vancouver Canucks: Elias Pettersson injured, Mike Matheson to have phone hearing with Player Safety

Elias Pettersson was injured last night at the hands of Mike Matheson. Matheson will have a phone hearing with NHL Player Safety tomorrow. Meanwhile we await word on Pettersson’s condition.




  1. Are you upset with the Canucks response (or lack thereof) to Matheson's hit on Pettersson? And what type of discipline do you think Matheson will get?

  2. I think the hit is probably not much to argue about, but throwing someone to the ice like he did is just appalling behavior to me and I don't think it has any place in hockey.

  3. Was such a classless play. I knew some scum would come and break our brand new shiny toy, just didn't know it'd happen to be in Rousell's first game. Smh. Could just imagine the parents reaction. Doubt they've seen anything like that. Only to have no one step up for the kid.

  4. why dont NHL have a rule that Instigator can NOT play before the Victim is released for play from injury..? That should be the baserule to build from.

  5. Beagle has broken his hand and Gaudette will replace him. Pettersson WILL travel with the team to Pittsburg so that’s a good sign. Thanks for a great video Clay!

  6. Wouldn't be surprised if Matheson gets off the hook scott free. Maybe he pays a fine, but that's just pocket change. I'm hoping he gets 5 games. As for the lack of response, the blame falls squarely on the coach. The players on the ice didn't see it, and the bench were told to not do anything about it. Can't really blame Gudbranson, Rousell, Virtanen for following Green's orders. That's the way I see it.

  7. I agree with everything you had to say. Lets just hope Petterson gets the right support from his team to continue to play his creative game, and not play being afraid of things like this happening again.

  8. We brought in shaller Roussel and we have gudbranson and nobody did anything are we serious he just injured our best player can't believe nobody went after him

  9. Leadership; Ignore the coach, lead your men, stick up for your men, call the play what it was in the media.. Gutless! This is the first time I've been disappointed in Bo.
    I loved Benning's idea of letting the kids score and protecting them with bigger guys (Beagle, Rousel, Shaller, Guddy). They didn't do their job! I would trade Guddy as soon as we can get a bag lunch for him.

  10. I hate how people like Gubranson plays a physical game and pick fights but couldn’t stick up for Pettersson.

  11. I think when it comes to what Bo, he did not show any signs of concern or care to pettersson. As someone who wants to be captain of the canucks, for him to not react and say what he said in the post game interview, that's what disappoints nux fans that saw him as the next captain. Tired of these post game interviews, don't know why they bother with them when you already know how they will answer your questions.

  12. You don’t send a message by running mathason , you send a msg by running ekblad, huberdeau , trocheck or barkov and /or fighting Matheson.

  13. For people mad at Horvat's comments, what were you expecting him to say? Did you expect him to throw the coach under the bus?

  14. I'm done with the Canucks. Sister Canucks!
    They did(not) stand up for the Sedin BROTHERS and now they did(not) with Elias Pettersson.
    Kom hem till Sverige. Om du är smart, Pettersson, lämna genast NHL, särskilt "Team" Vancouver Canucks!
    (though NOT the fans)
    Skitstövkar som överger sina kamrater!
    Fegisar… Cowards!

  15. Clayton, I think you have all the details right.

    I wish Guddy would have gone after Matheson, but you're right that coach was chilling them into the 2 points. Wrong call on coach's part, really, but it's only on the replay that you see how bad it is.

    There's definitely malicious intent. The slam-down is particularly brutal. I wish this was a league where a player got 20-30 games for that, and then retribution from the team wasn't necessary. The NHL needs to have more balls. If it truly wants a good game that's not the mere terrain of brutes, it needs to get serious about discipline, instead of its ridiculous slaps-on-the-wrist.

  16. I am mostly upset with the HOLLOW rhetoric from Benning and Green. They both want the Canucks to be “harder to play against”. Benning spends to bring in 3 sandpaper Free Agents who continue to show this team is soft. When it comes to opposing teams banging Swedish players, we continue to be Team Punching Bag! It’s time for the NHL to stop their ambivalence towards the Canucks. Aquilino needs to protect his assets. Call Bettman and complain.

  17. Hey Clayton > Polls are a great feel for the gamers by the gamers! > Pettersson is very light. Light players get tossed easily. As long as it's not a head injury….we're good! Head injury, 5 games of suspension plus any added time for past offense consideration. No head injury, 2 games, plus.

    Inbetween games on November 4th we're hoping Mak will bring out one or two of the boys!

  18. Not worthy of a suspension at all can't believe it has even came to this. A major penalty but not a suspension this league is going waaayyy to soft

  19. Oh look the human coat hanger gets pasted and stapled who would of thunk it! A 160 lb boy, thin as a rake with virtually zilch strength (NHL caliber) or small rink size and surface knowledge…no seasoning in the AHL, etc. Absolutely stupendous mistake starting him out this way and the result was entirely predictable. i called it near end of preseason but it gives me no pleasure l just feel for Elias and hope he recovers ok. A curse on Nucks mgt/ownership for this crass stupidity…just disgusted with them!

  20. I know how agrivated and frustrating it was when petterson was hit and canucks didnt do or say anything to mathenson bur honestly if the canucks did fight and beat up manthenson, what would it fix? It wouldnt fix anything. Beating up manthenson would not make pettersons injury less severe and it wouldnt solve anything. I think it actually shows good coaching from the canucks that they kepy thei cool, scored a beautiful goal and hung on to win the game. That being said, im a huge canucks fan and that hit was completly unnecsary and unfair. Manthenson just being a lazy dumbass throwing a kid around. Hope petterson wont miss too much and that manthenson get a suspension.

  21. This wouldn't have been allowed to happen in Nashville, New Jersey or Winnipeg especially without retaliation. Truly dissapointed in the morality of the team – and I was starting to like Canucks (again).

  22. Trade Gudbranson!  Rousell and Beagle signings were a joke!  And this is such proof!  Came here to protect our kids along with Gudbranson but done nothing!  Horvat, Virtanen and Softy Eriksson should be ashamed of themselves!  Do not care what the coaches said on the bench!!  It is like your parents telling you to not beat the crap out of the kids picking on your little brother.  They should've reacted with a line brawl the following shift!!  Tired of this soft bullshit!!  They had a chance to send the message to the whole league to not fuck with our kids!  Now, thanks to these Big Pansy Asses, the whole league can think otherwise!  I'd be shocked if Matheson gets more than 2 games.  Can you tell that I'm upset??  GO CANUCKS GO!!  GO LIONS GO!!  GO GIANTS GO!!  Darin from Alberta.

  23. Nobody know yet who is Elias… Someone claim matthews is the best shooter in the League.. lol

  24. I never had a big problem with Coach Green. But this time, this one time. Points over standing up for our franchise star? Huh? Weelp all I can say, these aren't the canucks of old. Back in those days Matheson would have been destroyed by Kesler, Burrows, Big Burt (you know the list goes on.)

  25. I'm pretty sure the next opposing team member who even LOOKS at EP the wrong way will need to be helped off the ice (considering the amount of negative feed back the Canucks are receiving from the fans and much of the media for doing squat when he was piledrivin' into the ice). Some folks are going on about how they needed the win more than standing up for Pettersson!. How many wins do they think the Canucks are going to get WITHOUT EP? 8 points in his first five games, at least a point in every game, and averaging a goal a game. They would be 1-4 without him….He's been in on like half their goals.

  26. Players didnt see what happened… how do you react to something you didnt see? Im sure they saw after the game… A response is coming! Dont think coach said anything…!?!? If so, game would of turned out differently…

  27. Furthermore, the Vancouver Canuck team culture is a joke. The coach is as well, because he is responsible for the team culture that develops around these burgeoning rookies. If I was Elias Pettersson I would hold out next summer and sign somewhere else. If I was Brock Boeser I would do the same (see: Trevor Lewis–Brock Boeser). Nobody on the team did anything. What a joke!

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