@Tampa Bay Lightning

Soldier Surprises Family At Tampa Bay Lightning Game

On Saturday the Lightning hosted the Pittsburgh Penguins at the Tampa Bay Times Forum, but one of the most emotional moments happened off the ice. Capt. Matthew Lunn of Riverview surprised his family on the LightningVision scoreboard.


  1. From one captain to another captain…. God bless you brother. Many years of happiness with your family and THANKFULLY you made it out of the sandbox in one piece. Oh-Rah…. Semper Fi to my brother in arms. God bless…

  2. Seriously being a mother of 2 all I can see is that baby crying and neither the father or mother doing anything about it. The mom literally turns her back to the baby when he's reaching for her, and he's screaming and reaching for her the entire time. Your kids should come first no matter what.

  3. From here in the UK that’s what I admire about the USA they are so proud and patriotic for their servicemen and women, from the UK total respect and come home safely.

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