@Montreal Canadiens

Dubois Wants Out..

OK Guys, Pierre Luc Dubois has officially requested a trade from the Winnipeg Jets. He is not interested in signing a 1 year bridge deal, he wants to get dealt RIGHT NOW! Will he finally become a Montreal Canadien? Or will he get dealt to a different team! Lets discuss!

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  1. Imagine if we trade our Florida pick for Dubois then he signs a 5 year 7m but Winnipeg will have to retain 50% of that contract so we are basically getting Dubois for 3.5m

  2. I'll be glad when it's done too, as well as the draft because if they draft Michkov or Benson my interest will be zero.

  3. Last off-season, before they made the move for Dach, I was calling for a trade to Wpg instead for Dubois. He had just had a horrible season in Wpg, Montreal needed a center behind Suzuki, and he was even french Canadian to boot! He had a pretty decent year last year though, so that asking price is gonna be a little higher than it could have been in that last off-season.

  4. I think PLD is a bit over valued, like Hartley said: PLD , in a contender team for the stanley cup, is a 3rd line center.

  5. If Mr. Gorton and Mr. Hughes were to decide to bring Dubois on board I would trust their judgement because they have a lot more insight than we do.

  6. Unless there is literally zero other demand, I don’t see Winnipeg ever trading to Montreal because any other team is gonna offer more than Montreal for the pure fact that Montreal doesn’t feel the pressure of ” we could miss out on this guy” like other teams would have.

  7. I would only offer scraps for him. Mainly because I am still sour Mark Scheifele tried to murder Evans. We owe The jets no favors. They are the enemy! So lets fleece em so hard it puts their team back 10 years.

  8. I'd like to get him in mtl, but given how he's reacting rn, what's gonna be when he or the habs will have a bad season or a bad stretch? Hopefully won't play da princess like he's actually doing 😒🫣

  9. Try get swayman out of Boston and ship
    PLD there

    If PLD has no respect for the fans and jets

    Well why should we give it to him

    Send him to Canadiens arch rivals


  10. Is Dubois interested in a Canadiens rebuild though??? He is young and has time. Will he trade cash for the potential reward of a great Habs Cup contender (it's coming)??? Does he just want to be home??? Any combination of the above??? Will his wanting to be a Hab scare away potential trade partners??? Will he be a rental elsewhere (ie: cup contender) for just one year??? Did he just handcuff the Jets bigtime (YES)!!!??? So many questions, so few answers…yet.

  11. I really appreciate you taking the time to make video segments! Great content!
    Dubious Dubios to Habs is a big win I it can happen at the right price! Go Habs!

  12. The big difference between our current management team and the one before is that they are not politically motivated, nor do they have any personal attachments. They treat our HABS as a business, as they should.

    Our motivation is one of clear focus, professionalism, rebuilding, modernizing and getting the job done.

    Looking forward to our success and eventually, hopefully, the HABS will be the next Canadian team who will win the CUP again! 👍

  13. they should trade him to vancouver out of spite. i am a habs fan, but this has been too much drama. if we got him in a trade for a bag of pucks (or the ghost of paul byron's potential) and an extension around 5.5 a year, but nothing more.

  14. He's forcing Winnipeg to deal him and could be trying to force the Habs to make a deal for him. Personally I wouldn't trade for him, we could be the next team he makes demands to.

  15. Well he not getting more than C.C and N.S . I would give him 2 years and see how he pans out. If all cylinders on go offer I'm an extension but he's got to realize that we are building a team not individuals and a Suzuki and Caulfield can keep everything cap friendly. Montreal is not going to be about getting the highest paycheck it's about building the dynasty hopefully these young kids are going to realize that they wanted cup is not both top dollar and Stanley choose one Choose Wisely

  16. I sooo hope he sign with the Habs, the guy is a cancer in the locker room and will do exactly the same that he did in Columbus and Winnipeg, he didn't do anything for the Jets they are still out of the playoffs. Please let him sign with the Habs PLEASE!!!

  17. The habs don’t need Dubois. He is a me first selfish player and a cancer in the lockerrooms he is in. He doesn’t play hard and likes to quit on teams he played on. This is NOT the role model leader you want in a young Habs locker room. Plus the habs would have to give up good prospects or draft picks to get Dubois. Build from within, stay the course and we will have another Hab dynasty with Suzuki, Caufield, Slav, the 5th overall pick, Wifi. Don’t mess it up by bringing in a cancerous player. Look what happened when the flames brought in Huberdeau.

  18. Honestly, I don’t want a guy who gave up on his team twice in 4 years. I’ll pass.

  19. Realistically they were going to have to trade him before the season anyway. They couldn't risk someone offer sheeting him for a year, which would've put them in a lose/lose situation where they would've either had to accept the picks (which they don't want, they have no intention of going into a rebuild) or match and keep Dubois for a year but get nothing out of him when he walks, since they wouldn't have been allowed to trade him for a year. This just makes it plain for all to see what they need to do now.

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