@National Hockey League

Which bottom 6 team will be competitive first?

Which bottom 6 team will be competitive first?

by Federal-Reserves


  1. Rowdy_Roddy96

    By the moves they made so far, it might be Columbus, but the Habs are not far behind

  2. DangerRanger_21

    Columbus. All they really need to be competitive is a relatively healthy year for their top players. Other than that I agree Montreal right behind them. Not sure if Columbus has the highest ceiling out of everyone on the list (love Arizona’s and Anaheim’s prospect pool). But for just being competitive I think Columbus is the front runner

  3. JustSixTrees

    Columbus. They’ve added Several players already + the draftees and there’s no way they’ll be as unhealthy as they were last year. I don’t think any of these teams make the playoffs but CBJ could come within a handful of points for the last wild card if they get decent enough goaltending

  4. NotUpInHurr

    Man, it *sucks* being an AZ sports fan sometimes lmao. And by that, I mean “every year since 2001, regardless of the big-4 sports team” haha…. ;_;

  5. Jazzabell793

    I’m just happy to see other recognizing the potential the cbj have 💜 give us a healthy team and we might go somewhere.

  6. Fitnessarc

    Arizona in every sport is fantastic at making you think they about to have a good season until they decide not to 💀

  7. Thack6376

    Depends on what you consider competitive. None of them will be cup contenders any time soon but probably the habs or cbd. The dark horse is Chicago but only if they can get some talent around Bedard.

  8. Acceptable-Fold-3192

    Chicago because the league wants their cash cow to succeed.

  9. CoalTrain9224

    Columbus – Made 2 offseason moves already and have great young players. Questionable coaching and bad synergy last season overall. I think the next wave of players will be your answer not Gaudreu and Laine.

    Arizona – Will they even have a team? Good prospects. No defense, questionable goaltending.

    Montreal – Excellent Coach, solid center core and superb signings with a bright future. The trades they make the next few years will make or break them.

    Sharks – Seem to be entering a soft rebuild waiting out some older contracts. Coaching and Goaltending are ?

    Anaheim – Probably the brightest future at the moment. New coach, Great offensive future, and defense. Gibson getting moved so goaltending is questionable. Last season they should’ve been better than they were which is concerning

    Chicago – A great prospect pool and now Bedard accelerates their future. 45 million in Cap space. 9 picks in the 1st 3 rounds. Biggest question is if management can use all these factors to the fullest. Time will tell.

    I think 4/6 teams are 3-4 years out from competing for the playoffs. The 2 outliers being Sharks and Coyotes.

  10. ratzy88

    The only answer is the Blue Jackets they were only a bottom 6 cause of injuries

  11. GoalGuard

    Just glad to not see Sabres on this list

  12. tritongamez

    Montreal. Although Columbus has the pieces, I just see them having another dumpsterfire season.

  13. _makoccino_

    If whomever the Habs draft this year can jojn the team soon and make an immediate impact and if they sign PLD, they’ll be really close to becoming competitive again.

  14. RSlashLazy

    Either us or Columbus. Columbus is a good team but they were too injured to be good.

  15. ShiJulia

    Blackhawks since they’re getting Bedard

  16. Prototype_es

    Almost certainly the Habs. Theyve got a ton of young talent that just isnt there yet. Realistically all they need is quality depth and theyre no longer bottom feeders. What theyre gonna do now that Price is basically done is a question mark though

  17. PhilG1989

    As much as it sickens me to say this… Montreal

  18. Tinypenispatrol

    going to go with the unpopular pick here and go with columbus.

    They’re gonna look very good in the next couple of years.

  19. Tiger5804

    If by competitive, you mean “will be close to making the playoffs” the Blue Jackets seem well positioned to do that as soon as next year. If you mean “are within reach of the Stanley Cup”, though, it’ll probably be the Blackhawks.

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