@Montreal Canadiens

Zach Benson: the top passer in the 2023 NHL Draft. A puck protection machine along the boards. Incredibly deceptive. Limitless passing skill. Always chooses the right play. Strikes the perfect balance between patience and pace. And he’s the best defensive forward in the draft. – Mitch Brown

Zach Benson: the top passer in the 2023 NHL Draft. A puck protection machine along the boards. Incredibly deceptive. Limitless passing skill. Always chooses the right play. Strikes the perfect balance between patience and pace. And he’s the best defensive forward in the draft. – Mitch Brown

by Professional_Mode804


  1. Riderpride639

    So if we pick Benson at 5 (which in all honesty I wouldn’t be disappointed with), assuming we keep a top line of Zukes, Dach and Cole, we obviously pair him with Slaf on the 2nd, who do we put in with those two to get the most out of that lines offensive potential?

  2. habulous74

    Checks roster – looks like we’re full up on 5’7 forwards.

  3. HawkeyGawds

    Slot pass success seems like a category you want to be higher

  4. zeouschen70

    unless we trade down, I bet Benson is the pick

  5. MeteWorldPeace

    Would love a Langley lad as our superstar if we miss out on Carlsson. Would be fun to maybe bump into him sometime in Vancouver

  6. natey2k4

    100% my pick. I have him ranked #3 in the draft.

    He compliments Caufield so well on the team.

    1. Caufield isn’t so good defensively, so the other scoring line should be very good defensively. Benson covers that.

    2. Benson feeding Caufield on the PP? That’s just absolutely disgusting. I’d feel sorry for the other teams.

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