@National Hockey League

The Chances…?!?

The Chances…?!?

by Lastdudestandin


  1. dudius7

    Those fucking refs scoring goals, I tell you hwat.


  2. MFKRebel

    I couldn’t believe it when I saw it. Sometimes it’s better to be lucky than good!

  3. miseenplastique


    You mean *The Odds…?!?*

    Come on! It was right there!

  4. Pray4Snow2112

    Any penguins fans remember when they had an own goal in g7 in 95-96 against the panthers?

  5. Jagrkid2186

    I recall a play where the puck bounces of the end boards, then off the back of the goalies helmet and into the net.

    That’s why we play the game!

  6. 3Snowshoes

    Zero. Just like Florida’s chance of winning this series with the way they’re playing.

  7. XColdLogicX

    The best part was Hill was smiling afterwards. Sometimes you just know isnt your fault.

  8. Disastrous_Night_80

    Obviously FLA paid off the space aliens to briefly modify the gravitational constant for this goal.

    Puck luck happens!

  9. Crazy_Canuck_8888

    Typical Florida goal. They have gotten so many lucky bounces this playoff run it’s ridiculous. They have no business even being there.

  10. McMetal770

    That’s why you always shoot the puck when you have a chance. You just never know what might happen.

  11. DrZeuss4


    What a save!

    What a save!

    What a save!

  12. barrelofgraphs

    50/50, either goes in or it doesn’t

  13. SundBunz64

    Almost as rare as a Barkov goal in the finals.

  14. entityXD32

    50/50 either it happens or it doesn’t

  15. tashmanan

    That bullshit bounce cost me $300 had Vegas-1.5

  16. Baby_Animal_Hospital

    Anyone have a clip that shows the whole thing vs this edited version?

  17. _Jam_Solo_

    Anybody have a non-twitter link of this goal in real-time? One where both deflections are visible in the single shot?

    I’m curious to see what sort of reaction the defenders had to contend with.

  18. Habs_Apostle

    I’m pretty sure he meant to do that.

  19. CuntestedThree

    Brandon “Revolver Ocelot” Montour

  20. SandroBeyersGhost88

    That’s me at least one time every time I play some Rocket League.

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