@Washington Capitals

Anders Lee Late Hit On Nicklas Backstrom, John Carlson Starts Hugging Match(Islanders Feed)

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  1. Requested by Jim Halpert and Sport Highlights everyday108. If you want to see a clip from the playoffs that's not already posted by Sportsnet, please comment on what the clip is about and add #clipit at the end.

  2. Late hit but Backstrom got caught looking at his pass . I dont think it was a hit from the side in his blind spot '' Blindside hit '' . He was kinda turning but got hit right in the chest .

  3. Why do guys pull this shit? lmfao honestly tho, it's less embarrassing to just get lit up by someone who's a better fighter than it is to hug your way through it to avoid punishment. Doesn't get anyone fired up…

  4. Backstrom dished the puck 1 second before being hit. If he hadn't spent time admiring his pass, he wouldn't have gotten hurt. If he circled back to the top of the slot, unmolested, for a return pass and scoring chance, I'd be an unhappy Coach Trotz.

  5. Tbvh the guy should have kept his feet moving. Anders lee looked like he tried to avoid or lower his shoulder to protect himself. I don’t think he deserves a suspension but he definitely deserved the penalty.

  6. Some of you would make lousy referees.

    Backstrom wasn’t admiring his pass. He threw it behind his back and was looking for an open position to create a chance. He’s known as a playmaker, not a showboat.

    Lee took advantage of him and hit him blindly. Backstrom was out for the rest of the game as a result of the hit.

    Lee deserves at least a 1 game suspension.

  7. Carlson: Im gonna defend my teammate
    Also Carlson: Wait how do I do that.. umph… hug for dear life

  8. I think it's on the cusp of dirty. He certainly could have hit him harder. Demolished him actually. However, he pulled up.

  9. Backstrom was going to run into Anders Lee, so Lee had to protect himself?  Really?!  Backstrom was watching his pass and Lee hit him late!  Sometimes these announcers are as bad as those clowns in Boston!

  10. He kept the shoulder low and pumped the breaks. There’s nothing wrong with that. Wilson would have jumped through their neck and head if he had that opportunity. Washington Hypocrites

  11. That was not a hard hit he backed off the hit last minute Anders Lee even waived his hand like realy I just gave a light check omg ev1 making a big deal

  12. Capitals suck and the city sucks went to see a game all I seen was dirty no parking fuck the capitals and there city

  13. Anyone who says that was dirty, probably counts this as the first game of hockey they ever watched. Five to ten years ago Backstrom’s ass woulda been freight-trained. And there wouldn’t have been a penalty called. If you think this was egregious, I invite you to look up Scott Stevens’ many hits on Eric Lindros.

  14. Super dirty hit. He probably won't get suspended because it was not the head, but Backstrom might be out for a long time regardless. Lee claimed he tried to slow up. Not a chance, he purposely tried to take Backstrom out.

  15. Hit was a little late, but there was nothing intentional there….Caps looking for something, cause they have douche bag Wilson that they always need to answer for!!

  16. I want to fight Wilson. Lee looked like he walked out of a Salon after that massage / fight. Tom should charge $50 for an appointment. Most fighters would mess your face up but Tom gives you a deep purifying cleansing. Lee was actually glowing afterwards and went on to score the tying goal. Thanks Tom. When can I set up another appointment?

  17. Lee knocked off a patch of Carlsons hair with one punch. Carlson gives the best hugs. You can hear him say “I want to hug you I just like giving hugs”. I liked how Lee gave John a big hug back. Next time someone destroys your teammate don’t throw punches. Just give em a big ol teddy bear hug.

  18. The Washington Crybabies are members of the same team that justified similar hits by Tom Wilson, notably including Wilson's hit on Brian Doumalin and his hit on Zach Aston Reese (which broke ZAR's jaw). Let's all have a pity party for the Crybabies.

  19. Lee wrestled with Carlson(so as not to hurt him)and fought Tom(the goon) Wilson after this hit. Most Islander fans are pretty sure Wilson hurt his hand on the captain's helmet. Oh, and he has a goal in all three games so far. The disciplinary arm of the NHL did not even look at the video, because it was not a head shot.

  20. This co-commentator is ridiculous. Backstrom was watchin his pass and Lee was charging him, elbow first. Should have been 3 games suspension for Lee. That is an intention to injure, cause he knows that players are most vunerable when they watch the play. The hit was avoidable, he changed direction to deliver…
    Player safety commission is a joke!

  21. What has happened to this league? Looks like something that would happen after someone got tripped in soccer, not a late hit in the NHL. SOMEONE DROP THEIR GLOVES

  22. Love Carlson even if you can’t fight idk if he does he at least comes in to tell him don’t fuck with my guy

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