@Seattle Kraken

Alexander Skarsgård || 20 Pound Natural Transformation To Become The Northman



#GregDoucette #AlexanderSkarsgård #Northman


  1. I almost ignore my diet for the first few months of training. Except protien.

    I make sure I have enough of that and cook everything else around it.
    When I start feeling strong and fit again I start dialling in my calories

  2. I mean…he could have came from a low eating diet as an actor. I could see him gain 20 pounds but not all muscle. Heck if I needed to I could gain 5 pounds in a week if I just stopped my cardio and only worked out.

  3. You're not really mentioning how he had significant muscle mass in the past/muscle memory plays a role.

  4. Greg, I really appreciate your videos. It is always so clear, you honestly want to help people, and I commend you for that!

  5. To me he doesn't look like he put on that much muscle. He had the muscle already and just a little bit more fat. To me all he's done is put on a bit of muscle defently not 20pounds and he's lost bodyfat

  6. There is no way he is natural. Also it hurts to see his posture during the movie, hunched back and forward head posture….. Yikes !

  7. I think there exaggerating doubt he put on 20 pounds of muscle his physique is easily attainable with diet and training he doesn’t even look that impressive in the film

  8. The movie has grown on me. Had to watch it a few times to get it but it’s a great movie after all.

  9. I don’t personally think he is on gear. If he is then very low doses. Saw the movie, he looks great, but not that crazy. Very natural look. I think it is muscle memory, he was jacked before. 20lbs of muscle is total bs tho.

  10. Bla Bla Bla….without PEDS this will not get you that body in that amount of time. Pretty sure Skarsgard did not do that without peds. Like Hemsworth, Jackman, Johnson and so many, many others. IF skargard did this in that short time without PEDS, he can have a second career as a natural bodybuilder and he will destroy any other true natural competitioner…. but fools will still want to know/buy the "secret training and diet without sweets" to look like Thor, Wolverine, Spartans, and to a lesser extent the …northman in 3 months.

  11. I do sword strength training everyday. While wearing body weights. And no I've never put on even 10 lbs of muscle in a month. Now he's rich so naturally his diet is much better than mine. And he has a personal trainer. Still no, just don't see 20 lbs of muscle in a month, naturally.

    US soldiers are rocking packs between 90-140 lbs. I'm wearing around 75 lbs for comparison. And again not seeing gains anything like this.

  12. Most these celebrity trainers when you see there videos it’s mostly body weight stuff and stretching find it hard to see them getting into that shape without smashing the gym hard

  13. Skarsgård is ex Swedish military, so he has the dedication, drive and that muscle memory. But yeah I do wonder what he is taking

  14. Natural my arse….look at the traps…always look at the traps..first thing to blow up on gear.

  15. I love Greg, but he thought you would die from fasting for a month so I don't think he's very well studied. 😬😂

  16. the problem with alexander keeping the diet to maintain his appearence all year long is that Alexander is an actor. not all of his movie parts will require him to look like this, he might get hired for a movie and have to get chubby for a role. or somewhere in beetween

  17. To tell the Truth Skangard was shooting another TV serie at that time,they were shooting in Italy and the guy seemed not "himself",sort of confused or depressed

  18. i don't trust that Magnus Method guy. The way he talks just comes across as super dishonest. For anyone working with him, i assume they are not natty and that whatever diet and exercise plan we are hearing is not what they actually did.

  19. I personally like Magnus' perspective with nutrition. He really stresses food quality. I think if you are overweight and just starting out, counting calories is the best way. Counting macros can be overwhelming for a beginner. Once I lost most of my weight I did start looking at my protein goal because it is important for muscle building and keeping you full longer. Also in my opinion, it is easy to over eat carbs and fats, but for me I just don't eat enough protein without tracking.

  20. I gotta do better Greg I asked about this the other day but you already did a video LEGEND

  21. It's good to struggle its good to fast its good to honor God like a man. It's bad to be a high bitch with shrunken nuts and no sperm dependent on artificial test like a bitch but no you should include some junk food just like you should include some cum and sodomy

  22. It seems to be more of a camera trick that he looks crazy, look at the bts videos he looks normal.

  23. Hi Greg, can you take up the subject 16 weeks of hell that has become very popular among famous people that has the money for it. And in Sweden i think it is quite popular when the media shows their tranformation.

  24. I have to say, I've seen the film, he's shredded for sure but he isn't 'big'. He probably has used Peds to get shredded quickly, but I'd say that physical body could be achieved naturally

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