@Edmonton Oilers

POST-RAW | Evan Bouchard 05.04.21

Evan takes questions from the media following a second consecutive victory in Vancouver.


  1. Tippett is completely mismanaging this guy. He is talented & needs to play & get oppty to develop…. that is the organization's opportunity & requirement… To not let him play is a failure by Tippett & GM Holland to not oversee -ensure development – a lost oppty & a failure. Great game by Bouchard…. hard to come up w a reason why he isn't allowed to play basically for the whole Yr…
    U hate to waste a players prime… Rt side is a problem w Larsson playing well… but Bear, Barrie make lot of errors… & if Barrie or Larsson leave…. Oilers will realize next Yr that once again they failed in developing a TALENT.

  2. I would like a pair of Bear and Bouchard to see how it worked. Jones and Russell is struggling that's why. Seattle also might be interested in Jones

  3. This guy is going to be a stud on the blue line for a LONG time…he still has 5-6 years before he even approaches his prime…

  4. Love the comment about the get pucks on net. Dont always need to hammer the slapper. The ole wrister or snapper more often than not work better…more accurate, pucks left for rebounds. Pronger was a master at it

  5. Terry Jones with such a leading question to try and cause a salty remark about not playing much. Terry you need to retire, you're embarrassing yourself

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