@Carolina Hurricanes

Aho altercation with Hughes – Have your say!

In quick succession Sebastian Aho slashes, cross checks, again slashes, and then again crosschecks Jack Hughes. The second crosscheck actually broke Aho’s stick in two pieces. They then had a wrestling match.

The penalties called:
Aho -one minor penalty for crosschecking and another for roughing.
Hughes – one minor penalty for roughing.

Did they get it right? Have your say!


  1. Not only is Hughes good at hockey, he’s a natural at wrestling too. Devils were going after Aho all night and Aho was doing the same. Must be something ongoing within the series. You should upload the Tatar missed high stick on Aho. Keep the Devils content coming.

  2. They have really had a target on Hughes this series and the refs have called veeeery little of the cross checks and high sticks and slashes heading his way (they high sticked a tooth out in front of an official with no call) So it doesn’t surprise me that he felt the need to show he’s not just going to take it.

  3. I've always felt Aho was a bit dirty with his stick, and well, he's definitely showing that in these playoffs.

  4. "Oh there was another fight in this game? Cool who was it? Se…. Sebastian Aho?? And a Lady Bing finalist??? HUH?"

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