@Vancouver Canucks

r/Canucks polling results: The subreddit will stay public during the API protest. Thank you all who participated. You can discuss here.

r/Canucks polling results: The subreddit will stay public during the API protest. Thank you all who participated. You can discuss here.

by PaperMoonShine


  1. barelyincollege

    Bit strange to start and end a poll after only a 13-hour period that included overnight hours in Vancouver.

    Irrespective of the results, starting the poll before the end of the theoretical blackout (11PM Pacific) and ending it midday of the first day after the blackout is not exactly great polling.

    EDIT: mods seem to have locked my comment for…reasons? Wow.

  2. MaxHardwood

    I think what this whole protest has showed is that the API controvery is just not something that most people care enough to try understanding.

    A lot of glazed over eyes, and “What’s an API?”. Seriously. It’s fair to say that no one cares.

  3. kneejerk_nuck

    I’ll be heading a class action lawsuit against the mods for silencing me and other fans. I had a lot of important franchise changing comments to make during the blackout but the opportunity was wasted.

  4. can3274

    That vote result is a testament to the high level of discourse that happens in here, and the good information that is provided.

  5. DishwasherFromSurrey

    who tf voted for dark indefinitely? Yikes, this whole protest is/was insanity

  6. Upbeat_Trainer

    Protest over, nothing accomplished. Who would’ve thunk.

  7. StormMission907

    The people that want to continue the blackout just get off reddit and the people like me who think two days was enough will continue on her with the draft, the buyout period and free agency coming up

  8. SkidmarkDave

    So 812 votes out of 121,000 members, representing less than 0.7% of the community, kept the subreddit open?? And the poll only lasted 13 hours, 8 of which people were sleeping? So the tiny segment of diehards who immediately came crawling back to this sub voted to barely keep the sub open?? Whack polling.

  9. _HoochieMama

    Disappointing decision – I’m sure many who would have voted to stay private were generally trying to stay away this morning.

  10. bwoah07_gp2

    First of all I’m glad the subreddit has chosen to remain open, it is the correct decision. And secondly, I cannot believe r/ModCoord is rigging subreddit votes across the platform. What a scummy thing to do. Doing that does not win you any favors for their cause.

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