@Vegas Golden Knights

For all the salt….

For all the salt….

by adeste82


  1. lvhockeytrish

    Apparently we’re all tourists who don’t know anything about hockey 🤣

  2. SiliconeArmadildo

    [Slaps lid off Stanley Cup] *You can fit so much salt in this motherfucker!*

  3. robthedealer

    It’s 15.5 KILOGRAMS. Clearly not a hockey market cause modern Stanley Cup winning teams use the metric system. Oh, wait…

  4. adeste82

    I refrained for posting this meme on r/hockey. But if they reference this for being iNSUffErAbLE go ahead…keep lurking and trolling in our house haters!

  5. RunninRebs90

    Lol we’re the bad guys again after a breif reprieve while the Stars and Panthers are just trash. But now we’re public enemy number 1. Fuck /r/hockey and fuck all the trolls coming in here.

    We won the cup, best team on the planet.

  6. Prfctcellrulz

    Always ‘Member, folks:

    They hate us cause they ain’t us!

  7. BombPopCaper

    Everything from “the fans don’t deserve it” to “the team isn’t legit” to “nobody cared about the Finals matchup” to “they had too easy of a path to win”!! The salt is INSANE and i’m loving every second.

  8. Congrats Vegas. I honestly don’t understand why your team gets so much hate.

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