@Philadelphia Flyers

Flyers name John LeClair Special Advisor to Hockey Operations

Flyers name John LeClair Special Advisor to Hockey Operations

by jamalev


  1. TransportationNo5560

    Seeing the expected knee jerk reactions on SM about the fallacy of bringing back former Flyers in advisory roles. This is one I actually like. He brings a lot to the table

  2. StubbornLeech07

    *insert DJ Khaled another one gif*

    We are really just replacing the old alumni with younger alumni.

  3. RollinFatchicks

    Keep em coming, Former flyers are fine as long as they are from the modern era of the game, as long as clarky and holmgren arent involved it’s all good. Stop overreacting.

  4. jackofspades17

    At this rate, I expect the Flyers will announce Scotty Upshall as an accountant and Andrew MacDonald as Media Liaison within the week.

    (In a serious note, I wish LeClair all the best in the role).

  5. LCLeopards

    Would I like them to bring in more voices from outside the organization? Yes. But I can’t be mad about bringing John LeClair into the fold. Call me nostalgic but damn I have some fond memories of the Legion of Doom!

  6. tsneildiamond

    Ok. Now we’re getting out of control. I’m open to giving anyone a chance. But, history is repeating itself.

  7. I wonder how much of this alumni hiring trend is an (over)correction to the Camillo ouster? It certainly reverses course on some of the moves she and Hextall made.

    At least LeClair has some business experience outside of the game from the trucking company he ran with Bundy.

    Speaking of Bundy, he’s gotta be getting a job there soon, right? He’s among the most vocal alumni, for sure.

    I wonder if he is under consideration for the color seat next to Jim Jackson?

  8. AVG_intelligenc3


  9. What scumbag made his wiki page photo one of him in a goddamn penguins uniform

  10. TwoForHawat

    I kinda wish the press release would provide more information on what kind of work LeClair has been doing since retirement. Lots of stuff in there about what he did as an NHL player, and a blurb about him coaching some 3-on-3 summer league or whatever… is that it?

    I don’t want to be the guy who rants about anytime they hire a former Flyer. But I try to ask myself, “If the San Jose Sharks made this same hire, would it be a good idea?” In the case of someone like Briere, he was training to be a GM and even seemed to be a bit of a hot commodity. With John LeClair, not knowing if he’s been doing any front office and player development work since retirement… I’m not sure.

  11. TransportationNo5560

    The positives as I see them are that he’s been actively engaged with a 3 on 3 league based in LV, he ‘has a graduate degree and has never been seen slinking around the executive suite or running to Mr Clarke with dirt. If you can promote from within, why not? Utilize the guys who are interested in getting back to Flyers Hockey, why bring in someone who has no clue or history?

  12. penguininanelevator

    “Danny, as the TV commentator of this team for years I have seen many leadership groups fill this office with former Flyers. Guys who have been here, who know the ‘Flyer Way'”

    “Well, did it work for those people?”

    “No. It never does. I mean, these people somehow delude themselves into thinking it might… But it might work for us.”

  13. bananafone7475

    If Mike Rathje doesn’t get a job by end of next week, I’ll riot.

  14. SlappaDaBass069

    I swear the flyers only exist to give former players fake jobs and have no intentions of winning anything

  15. Former players are all over the place in front offices across the league. It’s not a problem that they are there, it’s a matter of who is in what role. Clarke, Homer, and Barber are dinosaurs that have had the game pass them by and need to be guided to the golf course. Let some of the next generation of guys step up and see what they have.

  16. Legionnaire11

    My all-time favorite Flyer, can’t complain about this, especially since it appears to be such an insignificant role. Probably more observational and resume building than anything.

  17. YGLHockey

    Feels like they decided “let’s replace the old **Special Advisors** with more recent ex-Flyers”. Tough to say right now whether it’s a good idea- but at the very least they can sell it to fans that these guys *probably* know more about today’s game than the guys from the 70’s.

  18. EarthBelcher

    So we just ditching the old alumni and fully replacing with younger versions?

    I want to have an open mind, but this did not work for us in the past.

  19. vivelaal

    Jury’s still out on whether these front office changes will amount to a successful rebuild and returning to a consistent contender status, but I think the “just another retread” argument is a bit too reductionistic. The conversation shouldn’t be “we shouldn’t hire former Flyers”, it should be “we shouldn’t hire former Flyers who think *this way* about the game”. It’s almost like the history of this argument has evolved from “Get Bob Clarke, Bill Barber, etc. out of the front office” to “former Flyers bad”.

    And by the way, I fully agree with the notion that they should be hiring the best person for every role regardless of association with the team. Torts is a good example – respected the org from afar for years, really good coach, wants to be part of the solution. I just think there’s something to be said about playing for an organization that gives you a unique respect for it, and also gives you more motivation to fix it when it’s going through a rough time. It’s intangible, and not something we as fans see on a resume, which makes it easy to dismiss hires like this as just another example of this self-diagnosed, somewhat unfounded “problem” (especially when talking about this new regime). These intangibles are why I think Keith Jones makes more sense for the POHO than Eddie Olczyk, for example.

  20. Steppyjim

    And I also heard Simon Gagne is gonna run concessions and they’re gonna hire Keith Primeau as backup Gritty

  21. four_twenty_4_20

    Good thing they decided not to hire a bunch of ex-flyers…

  22. This feels a little like when I worked construction and the boss’ sons would hire all their buddies. One day three new guys showed up dressed in those Home Depot smocks to lay some concrete.

  23. ArcanumAntares

    Gettin’ the band back together, on a mission from God!

  24. Steppyjim

    Jokes aside, LeClair has some agency scouting and player networking experience. He’s not a random figurehead. Kinda feel the same I did about Briere once the hiring dust settled. He’s a former flyer but it’s not ALL he is. Let’s see where he gets us.

    Not to mention his role isn’t exactly GM, or shadow GM, or anything. He’s an advisor to Jones. A connection to players, and, at worst case scenario, a guy they send out to alum events to smile and pose for the 30 something’s like me to get a photo with. Let’s see what big Johnny’s got

  25. Brian_Stryker

    Fuck it, let’s get the whole legion in the office. I trust them way more than the old heads.

  26. Bright_Restaurant_17

    Steve Downie and Mike Richards management consultants to player behaviour and personal conduct training.

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