@Montreal Canadiens

[AMA Thread] Scott Wheeler – The Athletic

Hey Habs redditors !

It’s a pleasure receive Scott Wheeler (u\\scottcwheelerTA), Staff Writer for the Athletic, specialized in NHL drafts and prospects. You can post your questions down there, Scott will start answering them around 7:00 P.M EDT.

[Scott Wheeler]( covers the NHL draft and prospects nationally for The Athletic. Scott has written for the Toronto Star, the Globe and Mail, The Toronto Sun, the National Post, SB Nation and several other outlets in the past. He’ll be able to answer all your questions regarding prospects and the upcoming NHL Draft ! We are super glad to receive him and have his insights on the prospects we are curious about. (Stay aware, we might bring in another opinion in the next weeks as well 😉 ).

Edit : Scott will try to answer as many questions as possible, but he might not have the time to answer everyone and/or duplicates questions. Please be comprehensive and understand that he’s doing that freely and for our greatest pleasure.

by flepine44


  1. shogun2909

    Are the habs really serious about moving up or it’s all mind games to make sure Michkov drops at 5?

  2. flepine44

    Hey Scott ! It’s a pleasure to have you in here, thanks for your time.

    I was wondering what was your opinion on this draft-class’ goalies ? Do you think some of them are worth a 1st round pick ? (Fowler, Augustine, Hrabal etc.)

  3. DocGubernaculum

    Based on last years draft and chatter from around the league what do you think Montreal’s draft philosophy is (how we value draft eligible players), and how has this changed from previous years?


  4. triscos1995

    Hi Scott, thank you for doing this. Next draft is exciting but lets look at our 2022 picks if you want.

    Is Hutson the real deal in your opinion. Is there any chance his game does not translate enough to the nhl?

    If you want to answer as well, has your opinion changed in any way about Mesar and Beck after their D+1 year and if so, how?


    What level within organizations are “sources” usually at? Are they usually lower – mid level employees who hear stuff, or is it senior management and decision makers?

    Like, if we hear Montreal has interest in drafting player X, are sources usually high level scouts? People around the GM? The guy who goes on coffee runs and overhears stuff?

    On a similar note, if it’s someone higher up, are they leaking things with the purpose of getting the info out there? Are they ever more explicit than you report and basically tell you the entire story but do so “off the record” so that you have to soften/generalize the statement and make it less definitive?

  6. bosomarly

    Hey Scott,

    How big would you think the gap is between Zach Benson and Will Smith? If Hughes doesnt want to go the Michkov route, I feel like Benson is just as good if not a better prospect than Smith so I dont really get why hes trying to move up so bad.

  7. Mattcb13

    What are some of your hot takes surrounding the NHL Draft 2023? Some trades, overrated or underrated players, etc.

    Thanks for doing this AMA!

  8. Hi Scott, thank you for doing this.

    Please give us all a good read on Reinbacher. Many think that GMs are hoping to snag the next Seider (ie. limited offensive production pre-draft, but pro-ready game). Is Reinbacher going to be an all-situations 1D? Or more of an even strength analytical sweetheart type such as Slavin, Pelech, Ekholm, etc…?

    In addition, do you think that Moore and Leonard are overhyped for similar reasons as above? As in, many see player comps and just run with the idea of drafting the next Tkachuk or Larkin?

    Lastly, you’re the GM. Why would you take Will Smith over Benson? Why is Benson never seen as the 5th pick in most mocks. His foot speed doesn’t seem to as big a deal as most make it seem to be, does he lose value because he plays with Matt Savoie?

  9. ReleaseDesigner9335

    between Michkov, Leonard, benson and reinbacher who do you think is more likely to be a hab on June 28th

  10. discipleofbill

    Hey Scott, It’s my understanding that the 2024 draft class is much deeper on the blueline, is that your sense as well? I know it’s early, but where would you slot David Reinbacher in amongst that group?

    Would it be wise to go forward for the Habs at five, and wait to draft a defenseman next Year?


    Thanks Scott!

  11. Hey Scott, thanks for doing this.

    Who’s your favourite player in the coming draft and why? Any fun players you’re pulling for, like Hutson last year.


  12. Jpnator

    Hey Scott, Thanks for doing this !

    About Michkov (I know, I know… !); I heard that the 3-year contract and the Russian factor might not be the only be the only negatives about him. I heard Arpon Basu speak about maybe his lack of compete and/or interest to play without the puck (which I feel is important).

    My questions are:

    Do you share the same sentiments ?

    Do you think these negatives outweigh the positives for a top 5 pick ?

    Or do you think his offensive “toolbox” is so far ahead that it’s worth the shot ?

    Thanks !

  13. The_Gargoyle22

    A lot of Habs fans are (unfairly… imo) scared of Reinbacher at 5. If the Habs take Reinbacher at 5, what would you say (if anything) to talk them off the ledge?

  14. Hey Scott, I know you’ve consistently liked Carolina’s draft hauls and feel that they evaluate players in a similar way to yourself. Are there any teams that, based on recent drafts, seem to consistently evaluate talent in a very different or opposite way? And what are the qualities that those teams seem to value that don’t move the needle as much for you?

  15. NtBtFan

    for our picks 31,37; what players or trades do you think are on the radar for the Canadiens with those picks, and do you think GMs are more willing to draft based on organizational need in this range?(as opposed to highest value/best player, which I think becomes more and more challenging to get a fix on the deeper into any draft year we go)

  16. Sharks9

    Hi Scott,

    Thanks for doing this! With how well Raphael Harvey-Pinard did this year are there any double overagers you’d take a swing on in the 5th round or later?

    Also, what specific traits would you look for in a prospect when drafting that late?

  17. kavghanistan

    Hi Scott,

    Thanks for doing this, big fan of your work. Happy to see you survived the cuts at The Athletic.

    Some people have been talking about the possibility of Carey Price returning to Montreal in a management or coaching capacity in the future (whether distant or near). Have you heard anything concrete about this and would he even still be able to do that while maintaining a SPC?

    Thanks again!

  18. yeeteridoo

    Who is the most underrated prospect in the habs org and why is it Jayden Struble?

  19. MNWild18

    Scott, I know you have been a fan of Marco Rossi, historically. Joe or Russo (or both) wrote that the Wild would consider moving Rossi…how high in the draft could the Wild get if they traded Rossi and their 1st? If so, would the tier of players at that pick be worth it in your opinion?

  20. Sentenced2Burn

    Hi Scott, thanks for doing this AMA,

    With all the smoke signals surrounding Dubois and MTL over the years, what are your thoughts on how a player like him might react to being walked to free agency vs being traded for? Do you think it would sour him on the Habs at all if Kent/Gorton played hardball with WPG and either offered a low return to the Jets to secure him early or if management waited out the timer and let him play elsewhere for a year?

    Do you think that Dubois is really as dead-set as folks say he is about coming home to MTL, or is it more a case of just trying to get away from less desireable clubs/cities like Columbus and Winnipeg? And at the end of the day, in your opinion, does PLD as a player and person fit in with the group and atmosphere that HuGo, MSL and Suzuki are building?

    Thanks and enjoy your summer!


    Hi Scott,

    Not asking you to slander your buddy Pronman at all but you and him usually have a few players ranked wildy different from each other every year.

    What do you value differently than Corey and has your perception of what’s important in players changed over time?

  22. StrongGiraffe91

    Where do you see Slafkosvky development curve go ? Will he be an impact player then ? Do you have a comparable in mind?

  23. Simmie4

    Which of our young prospects would you consider “untouchables”? Considering guys like Hutson, Farrell, Roy, Harris, Barron, or would everything be on the table?

  24. Sora027

    Hey Scott,

    In 2020 u published an article about how Mysak was gonna be a star and he’s a bust. What went wrong in that analysis? This is not a question to flame you by the way, on the contrary, its a question about what pitfalls we can fall in when we scout and what can go wrong with developement. Thanks!

  25. Hello Scott, thank you for taking the time to answer some of our questions.

    My first question to you would be about the gap between Carlsson and Smith. I know you rank Carlsson higher, but I’m still curious how close you think they are from one another or is Carlsson just in another level.

    And if I can be allowed a second one, what are your projections for some of our youngsters like Roy, Mailloux, Guhle, etc..? Even Suzuki, do you think he can be a 1C?

    Thank you in advance.

  26. You have Z.Benson at 6th and Will Smith at 5th in the draft. Is it only because of Benson height? Otherwise Benson seems to me to be a future NHL star and Smith still have alot of question about translating his style of play to the NHL.

    What was the thinking behind ranking those 2?

  27. Garudas

    Hi Scott! Huge fan and longtime subscriber to The Athletic. I have two questions for you:

    1) You answered a similar request I made a couple years ago, saying that it would be something you would consider. Was hoping for an update. Many of us follow your prospect work closely because we play dynasty fantasy hockey. However the value a player brings in real life is not always the same as the value he has in fantasy. Have you considered adding a line or two to your rankings about a players potential fantasy value? Or maybe a separate article entirely? I’ve heard you speak on fantasy hockey podcasts before and you do an amazing job, so I’m super interested to get your take on this kind of stuff.

    2) There’s been some reports that the Habs have contacted the Ducks about the 2nd overall pick. What kind of package would get a deal like that done? Or do you think it’s far-fetched and off the table?

  28. Olipod2002

    Hi Scott, thank you very much for doing this.

    Do you think Ottawa will try to acquire a 2023 first round pick? No picks for the first 3 rounds is rough, even if they aren’t in the hard rebuild phase.

  29. KingHud

    Hey Mr. Wheeler.

    I love your work in The Athletic, I’m always religiously reading it.

    We obviously talk a lot about the 5OA. The rumours put a lot of emphasis on the Habs maybe going the Reinbacher route. While I do think we need RHD in our system, I really don’t think we should take one with the 5OA for multiple (and maybe obvious) reasons.

    I’m not going that route though.

    I wanted to ask you questions about your tier 5 and 6 of RH defensemen.

    I am starting to get behind the idea that with our 31st and 37th picks we could take 2 RHD since we don’t have a lot of blue chip prospects at that position. With the quality of puck-moving defensemen we have on the left, I was thinking of going with more high floors, big bodied defensive oriented defensemen for our right side. It brings me to my question.

    I am really high on Maxim Strbak (all the attributes above, Slovakian factor is not negligeable), and I like Oliver Bonk (his father played with our team for a bit). With your all-around knowledge, do you think they would the best choices stylistically for our team at that position? Do you think only one RHD is enough at that point and that we should focus on another position with the other 1st/2nd rd pick? And what should I not forget about drafting in this part of the draft ?

    Thank you very much, here’s hoping you’ll see my question.

    P.S : I know we need goalies, but looking at the crop of this year, I think that we can wait until the 3rd or 4th round before taking one of them.

  30. quadriplegic_cheetah

    Hey Scott (for the 503rd time!),

    First off thanks a lot for doing this. You must be quite busy at this time.

    Let’s talk Lane Hutson.

    Where does he go from here in your eyes? What is his road to the NHL look like and how does he fit into an NHL lineup when he (fingers crossed) manages to arrive?

    Take care and try not to work too hard.

  31. scottcwheelerTA

    Hey everyone. Thanks for having me. Let’s get into it.

  32. scottcwheelerTA

    I’ve got to jet (toddler to get to sleep). Thanks for hanging, everyone. If I didn’t get to your question, I’ll try to circle back late tonight. Cheers, all.

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