@Columbus Blue Jackets

Ally McCoist tells funny story about Paul Gascoigne and two trout

Ally McCoist shares with Ben Shephard and Chris Kamara on Goals on Sunday, the brilliant prank Gazza played on Gordon Durie while the trio were at Rangers.

It involves a car, two trout, and a ‘Sherwood Forest’ of air fresheners! To quote Gascoigne on the matter: “The chairman wasn’t too chuffed, though. The car was a sponsored one, provided by the club. I think it had to be scrapped.”

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  1. People laughed so I guess it was funny I wish an Englishman told the story so I could understand it

  2. 1997 my fondest memory of gazza was walking past Alan mclarens house in Edinburgh at 15 and who is kicking back on the couch with a tin of tennants. Big wave to us 15 year olds looking in with disbelief. Unbelievable 😍

  3. If anyone else was to tell this story I can guarantee it would be nowhere near as funny. Ally is the best person to tell a story.

  4. Ally and gazza are a right pair both clowning around love these stories.

  5. With his skill and personality, I think Gazza would have been a world class player if he was born in this era, with modern training, diet and discipline.

  6. Ally's alright. I'm a big Celtic fan. A long retired Glasgow cop. Used to be good looking. Until I went to the Falklands. Idiot brain!! Came back. Retired now. God Bless you, Ally

  7. What a player gazza was. It still depresses me today thinking he nearly signed for man united and chose spurs instead.

  8. Ben Shepard pulls one of those fake laughs that people do when they’re trying to look like they found a story funny, when in reality they’re thinking “not even remotely funny because I wasn’t there”. Whereas Chris Kamara is belly laughing because in his head he’s imagining that he’s right there next to Gazza 😂

  9. it's good to hear Gascoigne was happy up in Scotland.. he has rarely seemed happy since.. 😕

  10. I never got to see Gazza or Alli play as I moved to London from Scotland in 73. A few pranks that happened down south. I drove off from work after a shift and every time I pressed the brake pedal the car horn sounded. I had a Citrion BX and thought I had an electrical problem. I went back to work and all the gang were waiting having a laugh because they had heard me going round the houses blowing my horn. One of the electricians had wired my brake pedal to the horn. Payback was his boss came back from a trip to America and entered his car in the loading bay. His ventalation ports had been loaded with talcom powder and the control had been set to maximum. When he turned on the igntion he got wasted 😂

  11. Huge Hearts fan but remember the days well, one of the most gifted funny characters you are likely to meet, dare say it, it was a pleasure to watch him play, massif genius

  12. Certainly not everybody loved him. He was a wife beating, elbow throwing piece of scum and is now a pathetic Jakey.

  13. When I was 16 I bought my girlfriend jeans from the Versace shop in Glasgow at Xmas time. Needless to say, I'm an idiot and got the wrong size. So on 27th December I jumped on a train from Falkirk to go exchange the jeans. When I got to the Versace store, it was closed😭. 10 seconds later a Range Rover pulled up and Gazza and his wife/partner at that time Sheryl got out, walked up to the store and straight in the door. I was a bit stunned, first that it was Gazza and secondly because he just walked right into the store when I was left outside. I got Gazza's attention through the window as I was going to ask for an autograph, he came out and we spoke, he asked what I was doing and noticed the bag in my hand. I explained that I was through to exchange the jeans and 5 seconds later I was in the store exchanging the jeans and courtesy of the one and only Paul Gascoigne left with a pair for myself. Thanks Gazza.

  14. There's nothing remotely funny about this bloke. Bigot. Gascoigne is a well deserved legend. T'other fellah. Nah.

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