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Detroit Red Wings Best of 2019-20 | Jonathan Bernier

A .907 SV% through 46 games for Jonathan Bernier. Check out some of his best moments from the 2019-20 season!


  1. Jimmy Howard is my favorite player but I do agree that Jonathan bernier played a lot better after Jimmy Howard had a 2-21 record but Jimmy Howard is still my favorite

  2. Currently the backbone of this team. Bernie was slightly underrated this year even behind the Wings awful defense. He always knew how to get the job done and to not let his team down with it really counted. He's gonna be with the Wings for a while I guarantee it

  3. Bernier just stepped up out of the blue one night & never looked back. One of the true highlights of this season.

  4. MVP. look at Jimmy's stats then look at Bernier's. Jimmy doesn't even support metro Detroit business.

  5. Detroit: Another victory for Jesus. I am voting Pro-Life. God Bless America! Trump + Pence 2020   
    We want Religious freedom. The Little Sisters of the Poor won the Supreme Court case. Thanks be to God. We need to continue to pray. God of Love: Give an understanding heart to judges, men and women to distinguish right from wrong. 
    A baby's heart begins to beat at about 21 or 22 days after fertilization. The vast majority of abortions in the United States are done well after this point. More than (+50,000,000) babies have died from legal abortion in the United States since it was legalized in 1973. Stop funding abortion with taxpayer’s money, ($363,000,000) dollars every year. Let’s MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN without abortion.      
    Biden supports abortion. Planned Parenthood Action Fund Endorses Biden for President   
    Nancy Pelosi, Joe Biden, Bernie Sanders, Chuck Schumer and Andrew Cuomo need to be replaced.

  6. Saint Jimmy deserves to go out better than last season…Hope he rebounds and gets a shot with another team. Definitely not a starter anymore but could be a good veteran backup somewhere. Good luck #35

  7. i think the bern n hernie days are behind them now put hernie howard up in the press box like they did with ozzie is wat i think best for the team hes out of gas from all the lame ass defenseman that couldnt do there jobs !!

  8. His stats were actually really impressive last year for the dumpster of a team (besides like 4 good players) he has in front of him.

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