@Vegas Golden Knights

Pizza Drive, part 2: Final options!

Hey all! One hell of a week we just had, eh? Karlsson gave us some new copy pasta, but here we’re figuring out our pizza! Below is a list of charities and pizzarias we’ve narrowed our drive down to. To cast your vote, please comment which charity and pizzaria you would like to see us organize with. Please pick from the list below. Whichever places gets the most comments are the places I will call first. If they either can’t or won’t be involved, I’ll move onto the 2nd place finish. I’m looking to have the drive going by the middle of this week, so please have your votes cast by 12pm PDT on 6/19/23.


[Help of Southern Nevada](

[Project 150](

[Las Vegas Rescue Mission](

[Hope Link](

[Family Promise](


[Nevada partnership for homeless youth](


[Verrazano pizza](

[Jesse’s Pizza in Henderson](

[Rocco’s Pizza](

[Villa Pizza Durango](

[Boston Pizza](

Cuginos pizza was an option, but looking at their shop idk if they would be able to pull off something like this…

[Link to part 1](

by scottyfoxy


  1. dogdemon4ever

    Verazzano pizza is dope actually buying pizza there for Father’s Day later and hope of southern Nevada

  2. Vortex121

    Verrazzano is my choice, and Las Vegas Rescue Mission for the charity.


    This is amazing as always, Scotty!

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