@Calgary Flames

NHL Worst Plays Of All-Time: Did The Flames Score In ’04? | Steve’s Dang-Its

Steve Dangle takes a look back at probably the most infamous no-goal in Stanley Cup Finals history. What do you think, were the Calgary Flames robbed of the Stanley Cup in 2004?


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  1. My memory of the 2004 Finals will always be listening to my dad explain to my younger siblings that this was an important game and it would last until someone scored and that if the red team scored the season was over

  2. I am still crushed by this loss. And I still feel it was a goal. No, I dont have any scientific proof, just gut feeling.
    18 years later, it doesn't really matter I guess. 🙁

  3. FKN Sooooooooo true!! Feaster, when he came to Cowberry …..after that……. as GM, had a rough time with that!!! Sutter is back for unresolved business……!!!

  4. Show me an angle that's not up ice 20 degrees and then you can say whether it is over the line. Yes, that makes a difference because the puck was on its side, not flush on the ice, and potentially in the air (albeit not very much if it was). No one outside of Calgary, or bitter Canadians that haven't seen a winning Cup in their country for 30 years, thinks this was a goal.

  5. Steve, you're an amazing story teller! Thanks for doing what you do! (also, I guess no goal cuz I just learned about parallax view)

  6. i missed the 'X'…🤣…but it was 'no goal' though i wished then it was.
    Biggest 'Dang It' on my end is the no call on Gretzky high sticking Gilmour…and i don't even have to say the year, or which game because every Leaf fan already knows.

  7. Why, in this age of tech, don’t we have pucks with an RFID that says it’s over the line, or it’s not. A first year IT student paired with a first year electronics student could fix this.

  8. I'm in the minority here, but I think that if it was reviewed, it would have been ruled no goal because of a kicking motion.

  9. Great video, great breakdown!

    We may not ever know for sure but the graphic the nhl created should have animated where the puck would be, further in or out based on how far off the ice the puck was. The main assumption, the one unknown, could have been animated to show the puck in the net if it was closer to the ice. Would have fanned the flames, ahem, that it was a goal.

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