@Detroit Red Wings

Seravalli via CIH: The list of guys available to Ottawa on Debrincats list is weird. Doesn’t think the Sens get a significant roster player in return, at most they could get a Zadina who hasnt really worked + futures.

Seravalli via CIH: The list of guys available to Ottawa on Debrincats list is weird. Doesn’t think the Sens get a significant roster player in return, at most they could get a Zadina who hasnt really worked + futures.

by dudewithchronicpain


  1. kermitthefrog57

    Zadina plus a pick would be a great trade for us I think

  2. pipolilaa

    They should take Kubalik or Fabbri if they want a legit NHL player. I think those guys should be open for a trade (from our side).

  3. HercHuntsdirty

    The closer to the draft we get, the less Ottawa will get in return for him. Let the saga continue.

  4. doubeljack

    Zadina plus a prospect and/or pick for the Cat? That’s a bargain.

  5. garnold0611

    As a Zadina believer, this would be a massive overpay! /s

    I do like Zadina, but we are at that stage where we need to make moves.

    If we could do that, sign Tarasenko, Killlorn, Varlamov and Dumba I’d be very happy and our anemic offense could actually have a pulse.

  6. reznorwings

    The reality here is lots of teams are in cap trouble. Cat has a short list of teams he will resign with. Of those teams (supposedly) only Nashville and Detroit have ample cap space. And only Detroit has a large bounty of picks/prospects to pull from.

    I feel Zadina/Fabbri, and the 24 Bruins 1st is likely the best offer they get. Maybe Berggren and a 2nd if they really want the player. Any way you slice it if he comes here its going to be a net loss for Ottawa.

  7. ChucklesLeClown

    Zadina, Fabbri and a 2nd rounder should do it.

  8. GeneralWAITE

    How have people forgotten so easily?!? If Stephen Gregory Yzerman wants a deal to work, it fucking works. Take your Zadina and future considerations and like it.

  9. JeremyEMT

    Iā€™ve been saying 2024 1st (Boston,) 2023 2nd, Zadina and Kubalik.

    Edit: This is if Cat gets signed first.

  10. iamjoe1994

    Why do I have a bad feeling he’s going to Vegas

  11. The_ManWithNoName

    I think we are overvaluing Zadina. Heā€™s nothing special but a bottom pair guy. I donā€™t think he has much trade value. Iā€™d imagine weā€™d have to give up someone weā€™d donā€™t want to like a Berggren

  12. jfstompers

    I find it hard to believe they can’t get a better roster player back than Zadina from anyone in the package for Cat

  13. Ohhellnowhatsupdawg

    I’ve disliked Debrincat every time we’ve played him and now I want him bad. Lol he’s incredibly talented and I hope we manage to get him.

  14. ASUMicroGrad

    If this is the case there is no reason for Ottawa to not take him to arbitration and gamble on him having a better year next season and trade him at the TDL or draft for similar returns.

  15. Isphet71

    If the wings could pull something like this off. Man.

    Just gotta outbid Dallas and come to a financial agreement with Cat. Which is harder than it sounds.

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