@Vancouver Canucks

Canucks hire two reporters as team invests in its own storytelling

Canucks hire two reporters as team invests in its own storytelling

by julesieee


  1. julesieee

    We gonna get spicy locker room interviews ๐Ÿ‘€

  2. ANarrowUrethra

    Daily hive story tellers in shambles

  3. HanSolo5643

    You mean a mouthpiece that won’t ever criticize the team.

  4. QuaidCohagen

    Oh good! This should help them make the play offs

  5. CamaroGirl96

    Everyone complains about their social media presence being crap. They hire people to revamp it, and to replace someone going on maternity leave but yet itโ€™s all Aqua conspiracy and for a team agenda?

    You know every team in the league hires their own social media peopleโ€ฆโ€ฆ

    Good lord, Dhaliwal hit the nail on the head yesterday when he said Canucks fans are the most negative fanbase in the entire league. This team canโ€™t do anything right can they.

  6. electricnux

    Weโ€™ve been one of the worst teams in terms of content for the fans and social media presence. This team has also been a PR nightmare for the past year, itโ€™s embarrassing when compared to small markets who have done a better job promoting their teams. Everyone reacting like a team writer is now gonna convince us Tyler Myers is a Norris candidate

  7. MaggerStrung

    Hopefully this leads to a better social media presence. Something with a personality would be fun

  8. Rendlesham_UFO

    They should tell the tale of the black magic curse that has stricken this team for its entire existence.

  9. hammer979

    We did this when Gillis got hired too. Sure, it’s team-friendly coverage, but they get more access than the regular media.

  10. brodiefilm

    Looking forward to future postgame scrums with Kate Pettersen and Jeff Paterson asking Elias Pettersson questions about Elias Pettersson’s game.

  11. Horvat53

    Why does everything have to be a negative? The team can vastly improve its social media and storytelling in general, yet the local media people and some fans online just canโ€™t help themselves from painting it as another negative.

  12. coltonjeffs

    They say it couldn’t be done, but we got another Pettersen!

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