@New York Islanders

Romanov saw the door out and took it #ufc #mma


  1. That was a clear shot to the groin area, even small taps can cause alot of pain not to mention a knee. Ppl handle those kind of shots differently, some ppl are just more conditioned lmao

  2. Awww look at the comments section 🤡 crazy when funkmaster got kneed in the face while he was down your laughed and said he was acting this dude literally got touched gently with the most agile knee ever seen 😂 and y'all in here talkin about "oh well the cup might have slipped and hurt his nuts" Foh 🤡 Clown's

  3. wow he should be ashamed for life a new borm baby could havd taken that shot ie tap 😅

  4. He was probably gassed and quit. But I put it on blood I got kicked in the bag by a girl hard as a teen and it wasn't that bad but one day one of my buddies Nut tapped me when he walked by me at work and it was a flick and I was puking and laying on the ground for like 15 mins he destroyed me with a flick the left testi so idk maybe dude wasn't lying but honestly looks like he just quit cause he was gassed

  5. You can NEVER tell what got hit. I have been nearly sick, by a flick from a girl. What if his nut got trapped? Not fair to judge this.

  6. As a man.. I've had taps to my nuts that have made me dry heave for a few minutes..

    Don't knock a ball shot.. They are no joke

  7. He wasn’t acting, had the same thing happen to me in a kickboxing match. It is actually some of the worst pain, it’s almost impossible to stand up immediately after wards, never mind going back into the fire.

  8. What’s crazy is that guy Espino is from Spain. We have the same last name. Never met or heard of an espino outside of the town I live

  9. I've been bashed in the nuts full power and been okay. Then there's been times where a tiny little rubber bouncy ball barely grazes my shit and it puts me out for 10 minutes. It just depends, man.

  10. I mean I don’t blame him look at the size of him his balls are probably bigger then Mount Everest and due to training he would have had to not nut for the entire training camp so the blue balls would’ve been immense

    I hope y’all know I’m joking 😂

  11. Yeah this wasn’t an act getting hit in the nuts when your cup isnt doing it’s job is gruesome and if he was up 2-0 why would he need to fake an Injury

  12. Nah, he ain't acting.. A flick from a finger could make me go full fetal position… Sure not as hard of a hit like we are used to seeing but a flick from a finger can bring you to your knees..

  13. Man I could eat these shots all day I let my girl punch me in the dick and balls on a regular basis to turn me on and make me have an orgasm and it feels so good to be honest with you

  14. Everyone tryna defend it saying “sometimes small taps can hurt”.. not when your wearing a cup. Theyre specifically made for one purpose. When i first got my cup too i tested it to see how bad it is and i promise you it takes alot more to really feel it. Especially in the middle of a fight

  15. Bro it doesn’t take much to make your nuts hurt. Hence why they call it a “sack tap” not a “sack pummeling”

  16. If you actually own testicles you know it's the lightest taps that hurt the most! LMAO

  17. breh you have to have nuts to understand.. you could poke a nut and take down a man…

  18. It's funny how fighters can take a flying knee to the face no problem but just a light illegal knee has them writhing around in pain 😂

  19. To his defense, sometimes those ones hurt the most especially if your balls and cup collide. Doesn’t take much but he forsure exaggerated.

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