@Boston Bruins

Brett Favre interception by Saints Tracy Porter NFC Championship. Paul Allen’s Call

Brett Favre once again, throws a game losing interception.


  1. 0:27 Funniest radio call ever lol

    For those who don't understand the context, in 2008 and 2009, the Lions were historically bad, going a combined 2-30 over those 2 years. With 2008 of course being the infamous 0-16 Lions.

  2. For such an experienced QB to do that… in that situation… simply pathetic. It is my feeling that Brett Favre for whatever reason decided to lose on purpose.

  3. He would be benched in a hurry in today's NFL! Most interceptions and fumbles in NFL history. Horrible! He is Mr. Turnover.

  4. With the passion in that Man’s voice at the end I Swear he put his life Savings on Minnesota 😂😂

  5. You know, as selfish as Favre is, he said to himself "there's no way we are winning this with a field goal, we need to get a touchdown". How else can you explain such a ridiculous throw when they are already in field goal range, and he was already rolling to his right, and could've picked up 5-6 yards easily for your kicker?

  6. Everyone is laughing at what clowns the game announcers are. I am not amused. They should be fired on site for their diabolical lack a impartiality. How DARE the networks put a couple of half baked CHEESE HEADS in the announcers booth. THIS IS NOT GREEN BAY, MAN. THIS IS THE NFL. And this is the unemployment office. Your qualitications?

  7. I know Paul Allen said that he couldn't believe what he just saw, but deep down, he could. I think everybody watching that game knew that interception was coming.

  8. Kirk Cousins, "Hold my beer." 3 yard pass on a 4th and 8 to end the season & go 1 and done in the playoffs. At least Favre's defense still had a chance to save the game. Karma for the stoopid lucky fluke MiNnEsOTa MiRaClEthey play ad nauseam like they won the Superbowl only to lose the next game.

  9. Iluvit iluvit iluvit iluvit iluvit….

  10. Vikings commentator so salty!!! Lol biggest choke artists in the NFL!!! Who Dat baby!!!

  11. After our failure this year, it's hard not to revisit this classic lapse in judgement… Veteran quarterback throwing cross field on the run off of his back foot when it matters most…

  12. Worst decision by a quarterback I’ve ever seen. Was almost in field goal range for the win and the super bowl

  13. This was my first season being a a true Vikings, it’s been the story of the fan ship but it’s been a good time with some heartbreaks 😂

  14. Favre won a lot of money that night. Harsh reality of it.

  15. Why do you even ponder passing? Oh did vikings fans not know how that meaning would change in a couple years

  16. That would be an incredibly long field goal but it was in a dome so they had a shot. What would’ve helped is not sending 12 men on the field out of a timeout.

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