@New Jersey Devils

Brendan Smith vs Andrej Sustr Oct 13, 2016

Brendan Smith vs Andrej Sustr from the Detroit Red Wings at Tampa Bay Lightning game on Oct 13, 2016.


  1. The guy Ott wanted to go with backed off so he got tackled by someone else. If you want to play dirty, be ready to answer for it. The wings this year have shown they are ready and willing to drop the gloves more than what they have shown in years.

  2. Pussy lighting jumping Red Wings from behind and Stamkos is a such an overrated dirty POS. He always gets away with cheap dirty plays like this because he is a "Star Player".

  3. Love how ott takes drouin , because he’s weak and Coburn comes to the protection . Priceless !!

  4. That was AWESOME seeing Ott being a punk, as usual, then gets man handled and slammed for it. Instant justice! I've been waiting 15 to see that happen to him.

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