@Calgary Flames

At this rate, might as well sell the team…

At this rate, might as well sell the team…

by BeatStriker


  1. brokensword15

    If this happens, we’ve lost Johnny, Chucky, Gio, Monny and these 3 within the span of what, 3 years?

    Blow this team the fuck up. We have a new front of house and it’s time to restart

  2. Markiv19

    IMO Serravelli being wrong about this should be career ending for him

  3. SpitfireFan

    Man give it a week. These guys are allowed to consider what they want to do for the next 9 years. And let’s not act like any of these guys are a steal at what we’re likely offering them. This isn’t losing Iginla in his prime. It’s possibly losing good players who are at a point in their career where they demand top dollars. I hope we keep two of the three but it’s not the end of the franchise if Noah Hanafin and a 35 year old Backlund leaves.

  4. IMakeShips4Europeans

    Flames are going the San Jose route. Huberdeau will put up 100 points but the team will win 17 games.

  5. D0xxing

    As a Milan and Flames fan, this past 24hrs has just been dreadful.

  6. SuperDashDingo

    The infusion of youth that will come from these trades is going to make the pain-period a lot shorter than people want to believe.

    Change is constant. This is a good thing in the bigger picture. Time to move on, and do it as proactively as possible.

  7. flyin_italian

    Well, last year sucked so hard that I’m honestly not so sad.

    The flames need a proper reset. This could actually be the baseball bat to the head the organization needed to reboot and clear its cache.

  8. Zingyyy

    Makes me really wish this team just went for a rebuild last summer instead of trying to extend the window with an extremely old core

  9. scootsmcgavin

    In 5 months, after an active draft and off season, every flames fan will bite their tongue. My bold prediction: we’re better than last year easy. Signing these guys ling term only cripples us more. I’d like to keep backlund of the 3, but I get it if he needs a change.

  10. rogerthatjim

    We knew about the others and I don’t know how more people haven’t at least entertained this route with Lindholm.

    Guy has made way less money than he’s worth for five years to sit in the worst arena (from a players perspective, I love the dome), on one of the most tumultuous constantly shifting of direction teams in the NHL, going onto his 4th coach. Enduring drama after drama after drama (Peters, Puck flip, JG + Chuck, Sutter fiasco). All with the cherry on top of this team showing absolutely no sign or proof that they can win anything more than the first round. Unbiased take? I think it’s understandable if these guys are just over it and want to turn the page after these past 5-6 years.

  11. landofschaff

    I for one, am excited. This is a chance for us to get generational players that grow up being a flame. This could give us the opportunity to sign the up and comers that imo should be the core of this team (Dube, Andersson, pelts). This could be the best thing for us. Last year we had good on paper players. They never found a way to gel. It was a band-aid patch work team that was always either a step behind or forward away from being able to handle the pass or get the quality shot. Great players sure, but they never jived. Nows our chance to get players who grow with each other, develop real chemistry. Love the city as they’ll be made into superstars here. I seriously don’t want another season where Kadri just quits on his effort and huberdeau pouts because he got yelled at by an abrasive cowboy.
    Huska has a real opportunity to bring in the young guns from the wranglers + what ever draft picks we get from returns of pending ufas, and really find out what these guys have in the tank. And if we suck that just means we get more of an opportunity to clean out what didn’t work, build on what did work and gain even more futures.
    I want a Crosby. I want a stamkos, I want a Draisaitl these are the type of guys you get from picks 1-5.
    I’d very happily go to the dome and watch a semi shitty flames team lose because I got a chance to see a Crosby type in the flaming C

  12. MonkeySailor

    Meh, it’s a brand new opportunity.

    The best time to retool/rebuild was last year. The second best time to retool/rebuild is right now.

  13. Theboofgoof

    Honestly might be a blessing in disguise, locker room issues seem to have been a constant issue for the flames and these guys are some of the longest tenured on the team, a true fresh start can be good

  14. PropofolDreaming

    Honestly starting to wonder about the can’t win on a Canadian team being a self fulfilling prophecy.

  15. GladdBagg

    In my opinion, if guys aren’t willing to commit whole-heartedly, GTFO. We need people that want to be here.

  16. Bigal6126

    Definitely a silver lining of picks and prospects in this cloud

  17. buttermyanus

    Jets fan coming in peace, seems like you guys are excited for what the future brings. Same with us! Similar situations, need a clean slate.Hope it all works out.

  18. Zombery

    Hopefully the team rebuilds if this is true, Lindholm + a 1st could be a perfect trade for one of the top 5 overall picks this season

  19. Toiletboy4

    Damn I cannot imagine the flames without that sexy ass lindholm at this point

  20. xxxNeonDreamsxxx

    If you don’t wanna be here then be gone bitches

  21. rottengammy

    Send them out for 1st and 2nd round picks… having 4-6 1st round picks really increases our chances at a bonafide star, or two!

  22. Vinny331

    All good. We’ll pop the C on Weegar or Andersson, fill these spots out with Wranglers, and haul in a bunch more picks/prospects in trades for these 3. Vladar is a good pot-sweetener too. Should be able to get lots of assets back.

    The new look team won’t be the contender that the 21-22 team was, but it’s exciting to watch fast, hungry youth come in. If Huberdeau, Kadri, Markstrom, Mangiapane all have even semi-bounceback years with Andersson and Kylington getting back to 100% healthy, it’ll still be a good team with potentially a nice mix of veterans and young guys. Should still at least still a fun team to watch, I think.

    Obviously the biggest hole would be at centre if we lose Lindholm/Backlund. Putting out Kadri, Ruzicka, Dube wouldn’t exactly be the strongest centre ice top 3. I’m guessing the 4th guy would be like Zary or Schwindt (although that bum Rooney is still around, and Clark Bishop had a great playoffs so maybe he slots in). The thinking would have to shift from trying to find a top 6 winger to getting young centremen prospects in return if these reports are actually true.

    Be interesting to see who they get at #16 in the draft next week (hopefully they either use the pick or move up in the draft with it instead of doing something stupid). It’s unlikely, but it’s always possible that that player might be able to slot in right away… especially in a supposedly deep draft like this one.

  23. Hugh_jazz_420420

    It will be fine, backlund is in the twilight of his career, lindholm would fetch an amazing return, and hanifin a solid return as well. The only one that would really even impact the team is lindholm, as top line centres are hard to come by, easy to replace backs and hanifin though, zary should be knocking on the door in camp. Hope we can sign lindholm, could really care less if backlund and hanifin move on

  24. swagsauce3

    Trade these fucking guys then! Rebuild a bit, and be a contender by the time the new rink is built.

  25. mentalyblind

    I’d be sad to see Backlund go but I want him to get a cup and that’s probably his best bet.

  26. MTBguy1774

    While these guys are trying to get out of the room, Lucic is on the other side holding them up trying to get back in.

  27. superman-4

    Murray probably wanted them to go panhandle for change on a street corner. I’d be wanting to get out too, if I were them

    Nothing will change with this organization, until the ownership changes

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