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Darker Side of the Ring – Crash Holly – The Crash Of Mike Lockwood – Full Episode

The life and career of one of the greatest hardcore champions, Crash Holly AKA Mike Lockwood.


  1. It's a travesty that there was no tribute for him from the WWF/E when he died. It's like no one gave a crap

  2. Stevie Richards is an instructor on DDPYoga… I do those sessions often and I've never heard him mention that Crash Holly died in his house

  3. This guy's charisma was definitely super heavyweight! He was hilarious! He took his bumps, and hazing to earn the respect of his peers. Sad to hear how he passed away, RIP!

  4. Crash Holly and Hardcore Holly Cousins duo was absolutely Fantastic!

    I was absolutely sold on it! And it even made sense how Bob would always try to best up Crash LOL!

  5. Wow the history here in unreal! That footage of him against Vic Grimes and the photo of Spike Dudley before he joined ECW.

  6. Who WOULDNT call Buzz Sawyers Wrestling school after seeing that SWEET SWEET COMMERCIAL? 😂 I’m surprised he didn’t have to open a second school after it aired !

  7. I always felt bad for Crash Holly and Brian Christopher. Both of those guys had talent, and if they were able to get their lives together, they would've gone a lot further in the business. Maybe those guys could've become Intercontinental Champions. It's too bad that we never got to find out.

  8. Crash and spike dudley seems like such cool little guys making it in a big man world always had respect for them.

  9. My main memory of Crash was him doing a vignette where he tried to hire Samuel L Jackson as his bodyguard when they were promoting the remake of Shaft.
    I know it wasn't everyone's cup of tea but the hardcore title 24/7 rule actually led to decent comedy segments and I think it could have carried on if maybe they'd limited it to the last week of the month instead of 24/7 all the time

  10. People underestimate all the little guys from that era. It took so much more for them to get over way more talent than any muscle head

  11. My favorite was him winning the hard-core title the 6th time when he hit Matt Hardy with a trash can, and I loved how everyone cheered. Rest in peace, Crash Holly.

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