@Nashville Predators

Elliotte Friedman with the latest coaching search updates

NHL Network insider Elliotte Friedman gives us the latest updates on what he’s hearing about coaching searches around the league, including Nashville’s reported hiring of Andrew Brunette.


  1. It’s extremely awkward to always have Bruce sitting in this type of coaching change discussions with his name being left out…

  2. Very nice t-shirt Elliott.
    Its a shame that was removed from the Canadian passports & replaced by a young boy playing at the family cottage.

  3. Between the brain dead fans, the lazy players, the idiotic management, the culture of losing, disastrous drafting and development program and the awful, despicable ownership, the Rangers are genuinely a tough team to root for

    They should hire Lavioloser they deserbe each other

  4. from a Hawks fan, i don't get firing Hynes he had the Preds. playing well.. unless there is behind the scenes conflict???

  5. What an embarrasment to see such an unprofesional look, Elliot Friedman is the Dellow/Dubas of NHL broadcasting, he is a Pretender who takes himself much to seriously and he claims to be an insider because he is just as much of a Pretender as the 2 NHL Outcasts Dellow/Dubas. Elliot knows they are rotten conjob pretenders and he does not care because it makes them all money.Between Friedman and the Athletic and Darkhorse the conjob advanced stats cabal has come a long way since their parents basements. Hopefully Friedman gets purged along with the rest of them.

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