@Detroit Red Wings

The NHL’s officiating is DISGUSTING right now

The only thing consistent about NHL officiating, is how inconsistent NHL officiating is.
In the last week, The Detroit red wings have been involved in 3 cross checks to the head. A week ago, as they faced Calgary, Calgary’s Huberdeau got his stick up on Dylan Larkin. There was no call. 2 days ago, as Detroit faced the Washington Capitals, Larkin got his stick up on TJ Oshie. He got a 5 minute major, a game misconduct and a $5,000 fine. Tonight, as the Red Wings faced the New York Rangers, in almost an identical play with Lindgren on Rasmussen, Lindgren got just a 2 minute minor for cross checking. The inconstancies here are ridiculous! I cover it in todays NHL hockey recap!

#nhl #hockey #highlights #detroitredwings #newyorkrangers #calgaryflames


  1. All of them deserve a major penalty, game misconduct and $5K fine. Clean this league up before someone gets killed. But, no doubt it's good for Garry's cartel's. Lot's of violence to bet on! Endless permutations, what players, does the stick break, what's the penalty, it's endless.

  2. i hate how the wings get the most shit since they are mostly known as the leagues enforcer team.

  3. What the league should have done is give them all 5 minutes, a game and fine like they did to Larkin. A cross check to the head whether accidental or not should not be accepted under any circumstances this could really hurt someone bad. Weren't the league supposed to crack down on hits to the head a few years back?? What the hell happened since?? Makes no sense to me.

  4. The reason that Detroit is picked on is because they dont have a big fan base,like they used to have.With Bettman it's all about the image,the Detroit city doesnt have as many people as the 90s did.And you dont have the super stars.
    I kind of liked old time hockey where you were allowed to interfere a little.Now they call the game so tight it's a little overboard.
    If they were to take out the automatic offensive zone faceoff on the power play it wouldnt be as crucial.Call the faceoff where the infraction occurs,this would reduce goalie injuries significantly.The goalies are facing to many shots and its burning them out earlier then before.Look at Carry Price

  5. Great channel man. Keep your videos like this. A lot have a great title, go into the topic well but then a random game review/highlight is thrown in at the end unrelated to title. Just separate game reviews from the little topic videos and I think that will help a lot.

  6. The reffing in the NHL has been ridiculous for years now! They r completely inconsistent!! Just last night Matt Grzelcyk was called for tripping and he did nothing!! 2 Calgary players hit skates and fell down! The ref right there 20 ft away didn't cal anything cuz looked like he saw what happened but ref in neutral zone made the call and to make it worse the game went to a commercial and then when game came back on was 1st we were even told there had been a penalty and for 1 thing..y didn't ref who was right there and didn't call it say something to other officials and tell em it wasn't a penalty!? And 2…even if ref right there didn't see it they could've looked at it really quick during commercial break and seen it wasn't a penalty!!? I'm pretty sure the red that was right there saw what happened but he just said nothing and let other guy make a call he probably knew was wrong!? It wouldn't be that tough for refs to quickly look at a replay if there's any doubt about what actually happened on the play!? Especially during commercial breaks!? I say stop having refs get together and discuss what they each think happened and just have em take 20-30 seconds to look at replay real fast!? Unless one of the refs is absolutely sure what happened on the call then there's no reason for them to get together!? If there's a question look at the replay real quick…don't take 20 seconds talking to each other about what u think happened and then look at replay anyway and just look at the replay and get the call right!!??

  7. On the NYR cross check vs Rasmussen the league would have " wait you called it 2 on the ice? You can't review this you have to leave it as 2"
    which is pretty much just as bad as them looking at it on the review and still calling it 2 they have no intention of getting the right calls.

    There's been other plays like highsticking this year where the player is clearly bleeding and the refs reviewed the play and still had to only hand out a 2 min penalty because that is what was called on the ice.

  8. The officiating is this way on purpose. It's the WWE part of hockey. They even admitted in the 1970's to home town reffing and even up calls. Lets say I'm watching the flames at the saddledome and the third period starts with the flames down 5-0. It is a 100 percent chance that Calgary will receive a power play. It's always been a bit of a joke folks…

  9. difference is first point of contact. Major was straight to head/neck, minor was shoulder first then head. Should shoulder first then head still be a major? Yeah probably, but please note the difference, they were not exactly the same like everyone's saying. Besides, like you said, the officials didn't make this call, the league did. Say the league is wrong, not the officials, officials just do what they're told after a review like that….

  10. Video review should only be video review. Calling it a video review just to have the league office officiate the game is ridiculous! It's as if the league first calls SportsBetFanKing before issuing the determination.

  11. I hate it for the refs to get hate but there definitly needs to be a better way for fans, players, coaches and others to understand what makes each ruling different than the other. They said last year they would work on cracking down on cross-checking and while yes, it is a great thing that they are doing that they still need a more consistant way of calling it if that is even remotley possible.

  12. The referees are relying on video replay to make the correct call. Video replays take too long and need to be removed.

  13. It always amazes me when refs act like they’re the actual show on the ice. I mean some of these guys really act as if they genuinely believe the fans are there to watch them referee. How pathetic and narcissistic do you have to be as a ref to think something that objectively dumb?? It’s not just hockey either.

  14. I Absolutely agree. It seems like there's some corruption going on. I watched a Calgary Wild game where there was clear goal tender interference. The wild lost that challenge. I could go on and on. Coaches get penalized for speaking out. It's a refs game for sure.

  15. I'm also not too happy with the NHL officiating, but personally I don't think it's as terrible as many people make it out to be.
    This is not based on these incidents in the video but on officiating in general.

    Comparing situations from different games to call out inconsistencies is problematic.
    There are different referees and they are all individuals with their own mind. Some refs will let more things slide than other refs and as long as they make consistent calls during a game, I don't really see a big problem. In fact, sometimes these inconsistencies across different games are often necessary, depending on how each individual game goes. If you have a really fair game, you can let certain things slide, while in a huge rivalry game where you have a few cheap shots early in the game, you might have to shorten the leash and call more penalties before players get seriously injured.
    Sometimes people will even make comparisons between two completely different situations like the Makar goal against the Oilers in last years playoffs and the McDavid offside goal that got called back, to make them look similar, even though completely different parts of the off-side rule were in play.

    When it comes to suspensions and such, I do think the NHL really needs to improve on their consistency, because they affect multiple games, but during a single game, as long as the refs treat both teams equally, I don't see a problem with inconsistencies to other completely unrelated games.

    Then there is this argument that officiating has gotten so much worse. I call bullshit on that. The only difference between now and back then, when officiating was supposedly better is that nowadays every controversial call gets blasted through social media and it's almost impossible for fans to miss it. The moment a controversial call is made, some people will immediately start to look for a comparable situation with a different outcome and whine about it.
    Bad calls happened all the time in the past too, they just get a lot more attention these days than they did in the past.

  16. Its terrible call after terrible call after terrible missed call. Refs are by far the biggest downside to this otherwise incredible sport.

  17. reffing this entire season has been an absolute travesty and completely defunct in its efficacy. absolutely useless.

  18. So far this has been one of the worst NHL seasons I've seen to date, not just officiating but a bunch of other things too.

  19. Larkin is a star, why doesn’t he he get star treatment? The league isn’t protecting its assets…….that’s just stupid!

  20. Fck it. Stop letting officials handle it. Detroit needs to be able to stand up. Players need to stick up for themselves. Start fighting. Start gooning. The nhl is worried about what basketball fans think. They’re about to lose their hockey fans.

  21. The results of taking a lot of the fighting out of the game. I know they still do it but nowhere near like they use to do.

  22. Refs should be tested before each game, not possible to be that stupid without being on something, incidents every night, and Parros, the biter, in charge of player discipline and no one in charge of refs with any common sense

  23. and then the playoffs are gonna start and they're not gonna call anything for some goddamn reason

  24. I have no idea of the official rules but you might say the 5 minute offender was skating towards his victim while the shorter penalty was from a guy almost standing still. Still a shit call. But maybe they argued the guy standing still put up his stick as a reflex thinking he was gonna get hit

  25. The only thing you're wrong about is stating that the officiating is disgusting RIGHT NOW. I've been watching this great game for decades and the players get better and better but in my opinion, the officiating has ALWAYS been the worst of the 4 major sports.

  26. I don't know who is monitoring these refs but whoever it is, he needs to be replaced IMMEDIATELY!

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