@San Jose Sharks

Larry Bird Trash Talking

The Greatest Trash Talker the game has ever seen. Larry Joe Bird.


  1. Josh Giddey maybe the next Larry if he keeps at it. Doesn’t look athletic at all yet somehow drops a triple double

  2. Photo of Wilkins and bird is so awesome. You’d think that unathletic white guy was a bum. Shows that two different styles and levels of athletes can both be great

  3. having ur game winner wiped, then nailing it again from the same spot. thats cold as ice

  4. If you can do what you say it's not trash talk more of a warning. Larry bird did not trash talk.

  5. I don't even like basketball, but can't get enough of Larry Bird highlights. Legend.

  6. Larry Bird was maybe the one guy who could match Michael in terms of that killer instinct.

    It's unfortunate that Bird's career was shortened by injuries. We could have seen some classic playoff battles in the early 90's between Chicago and Boston.

  7. Looks pretty athletic to me. I'll put it like this, if all those BLACK players let a slow, clumsy, no jumping unathletic WHITE BOY beat them and make them look like chumps then THEY must really be the most unathletic players of all time. I mean think about it. BIRD was athletic and the smartest player to ever play the game. How can a player who is unathletic dominate the game like Larry BIRD.

  8. Larry Bird ain't playing no more! Stop trying to make him look like he's the goat because he's not! Never will be. Give props to today's playoff players!

  9. If basketball was a game of chess, Larry had people in checkmate before the game even started. Wasn't fast, but the dude had vision of the game that was so aware it was freaky. Not only took advantage of every window but he created his own advantages with that talk, getting in guys heads, making them forget their game. Truly one of the best ever.

  10. black people tend to think only black people can play b asketball well. I think God sent Bird to mess them up on that.

  11. 3:53 that's insane… he noticed his own shot is about to miss and runs up for the rebound to put it back in… holy smokes.

  12. The white dude that was guarding Bird was Bobby Jones… Or trying to. Bobby could play Dee. But he couldn't cover Bird. Who could..? Coop from LA did the best.

  13. Charles Barkley is my most favorite commentator, that is my favorite basketball player in the NBA all time. It don't matter if Larry can score or Shaq can stop you from scoring. Charles can smoke you like a Winston!

  14. Larry was the real life version of that famous McDonald’s commercial. “Off the glass, into the trainer”

  15. Of course we know how awesome Bird was, one of the top 5 greatest of all times. But I think Dominique Wilkins was pretty great too and very underrated. I think Jordan overshadowed him because they were very similar players.

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