@Washington Capitals

Washington Caps Boudreau Motivational Speech


  1. This generation is too soft. They would find what he says "the wrong approach" all that crap. Thats exactly what men need to hear.

    glad hes in vancouver to shake the team up instead of mopey emotional travis green

  2. Now here's a Coach that needs his Legacy of failure extinguished. Come on Vancouver, get him a cup please.

  3. Anytime I’m having a bad moment or day and I need to hear someone yell at me, I play this. Makes me wanna run through a brick wall.

  4. Maybe if you stopped saying "fuckin' fuckin' fuckin'" so much like an illiterate, uneducated trowel mouth, your players might have more respect for you and actually listen. No wonder the Can'tnucks fired his arse. What a child doing a man's job.

  5. "If you want it, don't just think you want it, go out and fucking want it!"
    That line has been stuck in my head for 13 years.

  6. Bruce giving it to the TSN trade deadline panel. Had to come back and compare the two 😂 the original can never be beat

  7. I watched Bruce's speech for one hour straight and now I'm the fucking Prime Minister of Canada.

  8. I deal with panic attacks and general anxiety. I listen to this speech when I'm having a panic attack and it calms me down.

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