@Boston Bruins

Canadiens – Bruins rough stuff 4/21/90

Montreal vs Boston


  1. Was wondering why there was so much venom being spewed in these comments, so I watched the Video again, and there it was…….Boston completely embarrassed Montreal, Montreal couldn't do Anything, it wasn't some kind of conspiracy, it wasn't, "Vindiggs" with some kind of biased propaganda,(The Boston Announcers just doing their jobs was the Salt) Montreal looked bad in EVERY WAY….all Montreal could do was take cheap shots, Boston had A much better team than Montreal that's it, that's all, sorry Montreal fans but that's the flat out truth, Video doesn't lie…..
    P.S. There were many times were Boston was in the that same position, you should just man up, and take it, Montreal is A great franchise with great fans. I don't know if there is an expression, or an analogy, but I think A person shows more character in how they deal with losing than how they deal with winning.

  2. I hate Claude Lemieux, he starts this altercations and leaves. He think he's tough but he not. Look what happens in Colorado against Detroit. lol

  3. Bobby Smith and Claude Lemieux… 2 of the biggest cowards to ever dawn a habs jersey. Mario Tremblay not far behind.

  4. Back when hockey was a great game to watch. The intensity of playoff rivalry hockey when teams truly HATED each other is a thing of the past. It was a war out there. Now guys from both teams go out to dinner after the game.

  5. All broadcasters are homers ffs! Boston just does it the best and well deserved with the product they put on the ice for decades. The team goes to war for one another.

  6. Cam Neely was a monster! And an absolute Montreal killer! I grew up watching Nelly Kim was the best powerful and they ever played the game get over here yet I'll check you he's also one of only three people to score 50 goals and less than 50 games the other two are Wayne Gretzky and Mario! Cam come in full steam used to bury people I used to be at games of the garden it sounded like he's a wrecked a truck was putting someone through the boards when he hit somebody!

  7. Boston announcers are brutal….in every sport! They are the worst.

    'That sums up the career of Cam Neely'. Yeah it sure does….the guy never won anything!

  8. I always wondered how Petr Svoboda was able to play in this physical era? He looked so small and scrawny. He had no shoulders. Maybe he got strength from his nose.

  9. Back when hockey was hockey… I was born 93.. Just old enough to remember some last few years of real hockey.. Still love the sport but just saying

  10. That whole country should be ashamed .national ice diving team is more like it. such a long time no wonder the can't a championship.
    unless there is only six teams in the league 🙂

  11. I have all the playoffs worth the Bruins from the 80's through Neely's retirement on vhs. Three series with Hartford and Montreal, no matter what year you pick, we're hard hitting. Cam could one arm a player to the ice.

  12. Neely takes a pass, sees the hit coming, makes the hit himself instead, then trails the play and gets a goal. My favorite player.

  13. Raymond Bourque The General

    Cam Neely really had the Canadiens' number in those years

    What a rivalry it was !

  14. Lemieux in Neely’s face like he’s going to do something 😂 sit down bitch.

  15. Wrong comment about Richer. Fantastic player, skate like the wind, blistering shot, over 420 goals, oh and btw, he could handle himself, he was in a few fights and he knew how to handle himself.

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