@Montreal Canadiens

Corey Perry on Mark Scheifele Hit on Jake Evans: “It Was a Scary Situation” | Canadiens Post-Game

Watch as Corey Perry speaks on Mark Scheifele Hit on Jake Evans: “It Was a Scary Situation”

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  1. I honestly think that it was intentional an TARGETED, he saw his number since the blue line. Also he could have avoid a goal and instead he jumped in evans face.

  2. Quit the whining habs fans….good solid check….not dirty…we are taught as kids take the man don’t worry about the puck

  3. Why do you think the Rob Ray's and the Bob Proberts made the NHL.
    The Winnipeg player would have suffered right then and there for his actions in front of millions of people.

  4. He slowed down and took his shoulder to his head. 2 games at a minimum. Should be the rest of the playoffs but we all know.

  5. Awesome victory for the Canadians , keep it up , team effort & vigilance is crucial . We know J. Evans will pass through this , with flying colors , will pray for his return . GoHabsGo .

  6. Keep an eye on Lowry. He was hitting everybody whether they were near the puck or not. He is a goon.

  7. Best FA signing ever for the Habs. Header on and off the ice. Taking that elbow to the head from Stanley on the Stall goal showed the younger players what toughness really is.

  8. There should be mandatory drug testing after an incident like that if the DPS really cares about player safety. The DPS is nothing but a sick charade meant to cover the leagues ass.

  9. Ow cum da stupid guy don't hask bout da nee to DAT ead hove da leef kaptin? Must be big ab fan… Oui?

  10. Shiffy swiffy went for the puck AND the body which is 100% the right play to make a poke check alone gets you scored on, the body alone pucks in the net this was a clean hit that he COULD have let up on, but he doesnt HAVE to based on the rules if he isnt hitting numbers or jumping into the hit (charging) charging IS NOT hitting someone fast, it is jumping into the hit more than normal. same bullshit they did to kronwall back in the day because it looks bad but is just good hockey. 71 I hope is doing well but now he will for sure get his head up when breaking out, he should expect this hit everytime. Ev…eee..rrr…..yyy….ttiiiimmmmeeee
    The NHL/bettman the giant walking vagina is just being pussified again. Schifes not even a dirty player the only scumbag the jets had left that I know of (CA hockey teams are trash so not worth watching really unless you want to learn bad defense or how to be a goalie that cant play goal, Laine is gone… both of these teams lose to NY or TB or any team in the playoffs that wasnt from the north. The north is horrible. Again I hope 71 is doing well and will recover fully and veryyyyy soon. Wish he didnt get injured at all even, but that's the sport, take it or get the fuck out buddy.

  11. I like how Corey Perry remained objective. He could have shared his own opinion and all of that especially being a Montreal Canadian. He left it to the NHL to decide. I could leave my opinion here around suspensions but it would not change anything. I along with Corey Perry and everyone else will have to live with the NHL's decision whether we agree with it or not.
    Having said that I can't help myself but to say I want a suspension!

  12. with Toronto out (Sharks/Thornton fan here), I am rooting for Montreal to win the Cup this year. No question.

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