@New York Islanders

How Kyle Shanahan Runs his Offense | Film Breakdown

Kyle Shanahan is among the few coaches in the league to reform how the modern offense is run. Using heavy amounts of pre-snap motion, and different zone runs or pulling players, has allowed him to catapult to one of the most renown coaches in football. A true student of the game, he consistently watches his own film, to find out his tendencies, and pivot off of them, right when the time is right to counter the defense. Let’s break down some of his best plays this year.

Zone Read Run Explanation – – 1:20

Pre-Snap Motion –
– 6:19

Follow Me on Twitter: @HarrisonsHuddle

Music | DJ Freedom – Today’s Plan


  1. Hey brother. This is really good breakdown. Thank you. Played sports my whole life and as you get older you start getting concepts like chess.
    Great detail and concept explanation about scheme. Your sound can use some work. Filter the background music by taking the frequency that your voice is out of the background music. Your voice will stand out. If that’s too complicated I can be your sound engineer when it makes sense as overhead for your business.

  2. Great content man. I learned alot from your breakdown of Shanahan's west coast scheme. I like the "New VARIATIONS of the West Coast", however, I prefer WALSH'S VERSION of the West Coast better. It creates more deception because Walsh ran alot of plays OUT OF THE SAME FORMATION. A FAR or NEAR formation can turn into a singleback 3 WR set or 5 WR set if your splitbacks have good route running ability (80s Roger Craig, Wendall Tyler, Tom Rathman), (90s Ricky Watters, Dexter Carter, William Floyd) In a FAR, NEAR, WEAK, STRONG or SPLITBACK SHOTGUN SET, teams had to worry about so many possible threats. On top of that Jerry Rice IS MOTIONING TO THE SLOT PRESNAP!!!! Great work man.

  3. I’ve really taken inspiration to Kyle Shanahan’s offense. The play designs in his and also Sean McVays offenses are unbelievably well drawn up and then there ability to find talent that fits their scheme even if it isn’t the most talented player ever is just icing on the cake.

  4. And people are blaming him for Trey Lance getting hurt lol.
    They should've never drafted Trey in the first place. Jimmy G was their best option and the York family are idiots. When it comes to picking a quarterback. They took Colin over Alex Smith.

  5. I've been watching Kyle for the last five years, and I can say with great confidence that Kyle gets in his own way. He preemptively pivots away from what's working before the other team even proves to him that they can stop it. Ultimately I think this is his greatest weakness. You could say he's being proactive, but oftentimes his proactivity ends up being premature, and thus detrimental. He's plays 4D chess with himself while the other coach is barely able to compete in 3D. The other coach will be scrambling to figure out how to stop the wide zone and then Kyle goes away from it to something that isn't as effective before the other coach even commits to stopping the wide zone. It must be infuriating to the players. I know it infuriates me as a fan.

  6. "Jimmy gets hurt too much, we need to trade him."
    "Trey Lance has a much bigger upside because he can run."
    Trey goes out for year in 2nd game while running the ball for two yards. Mostly because he can't throw…

  7. This is going to be so fun to watch now with CMC. Shanahan can line up D. Samuel at RB, CMC in the slot and Kittle out wide just to mess with the Defense. Looking forward to Aiyuk, Jennings, Wilson/Mitchel, Juszczyk and company

  8. @HarrisonsHuddle Do you happen to know what form of software the NFL and 49ers in particular, are using to design plays and concepts? Thanks, Coach Tim.

  9. I’m sorry, but this guys commentary is way off, he called oz, power, he says that shannahan created these blocking schemes or plays? This is fake news. There’s nothing special with what I see here, love that he pick no gain as highlights

  10. I hope the 49ers fire, so Nick Saban can pick him up as an offensive coordinator. Because the one we got now is trash.

  11. Fly Motion = Ball fake to a WR/Fly Back that is in motion pre-snap and ball is snapped just as they are crossing QBs face

  12. These run concepts are the same as the Baltimore Ravens. Which makes this offense so effective is that their passing concepts combined with their run game makes them difficult to stop.

  13. I agree that Shanahan is an excellent play caller, but he's never won the big game, so why does everyone talk so much about him!

  14. A lot to talk about. First, Shanahan is an excellent play designer. Second, Shanahan is a terrible play caller. Third, it is very easy to analyze plays that work. Fourth, the success of Shanahan's plays again the Rams has largely to do with the Rams being a terrible tackling team and Shanahan's destructive approach to playing the Rams. Fifth: The Vikings are a terrible tackling team, also. Sixth: The play at 7:30 is not an RPO. [Please don't use the acronym RPO, it makes you sound like a grade school loser]. Seventh: The play at 7:56 was thrown behind the receiver by Garopollo. A correctly thrown ball would likely have been intercepted. Eighth: Shanahan largely relies on luck. Ninth: Your analysis is very good, especially with respect to motion.
    Finally: Shanahan is not his father and is a loser, had always been a loser, and will always be a loser. His inability to keep players healthy is legendary. LEGENDARY. And the buck stops with this loser coach. Kyle Shanahan is the greatest choke coach of all time. And that is saying something. As long as he is the head coach of the 49ers, they will be losers.

  15. I bit off more than I can chew with this😢. So many terms I don't understand. I grew up a hockey fan, now trying to understand football and this made me feel like an idiot

  16. Shanahan has a beautiful design in the passing game. The way they flood threaten a defenders assigned zone and put him in conflict with his reads/rules/keys alone isn't the best passing game but when the running game comes out of the same exact formations and utilizing wr as rb and rb as wr and te as rb that attacks rules, creates mismatches and at the same time exposes coverage. Brilliant young coach. And then the stretch runs zone scheme with a patient back theres going to be a backside breakdown almost every play.

  17. Kyle is a good play caller and his offense puts alot of pressure on defenses to stay disciplined however it's success all depends on the personnel

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