@Toronto Maple Leafs

Bunting embellishment – Have your say!

Michael Bunting continued his saga with NHL officials after receiving a minor penalty for embellishment after taking what appears to be two crosschecks. There was also a crosschecking minor on the play.

Was it fair to take them both here? Tough Call will be reviewing the incident. Have your say!


  1. He embellished the second one Kyper hit it on the head refs don’t respect him as a player they don’t like being shown up

  2. Tbh the first crosscheck wasn't embellishment but the second one definitely was. He was barely touched and he made it look way worse than it actually was

  3. From my couch coaching perth, a wash on the little late check and first cross check. Slight ease of falling but still a cross check so another wash. And my coaching couch is rarely wrong. 😄

  4. Bunting gave the first cross check and got away with it, then started to skate back but the puck stayed in and that gave the defender a opportunity to get even, it used to be a retaliation penalty but not these days, Bunting embellished on the second hit hoping for sympathy from the ref. Two minutes for embellishment, and two minutes for cross checking.

  5. To me, it looks like Bunting embellishes both cross checks. I mean he backs into Walman right after landing a hit on him. I’d have to think he knew he was going to get cross checked and took it as an opportunity to draw a penalty. I think it’s necessary for the ref to call embellishment here and I also think reputation matters. It’s bad for the game to let divers make calls for you

  6. I don't think he should have been called for embellishment. I do think he should have been called for charging as he left his feet to make a hit.

  7. this is a classic cry wolf case. The first one didn't look like embellishment but when you have a history of embellishing you aren't going to get those calls. It's one of those you can't have it both ways type thing. Stop embellishing and he will get those calls.

  8. A crosscheck from behind, of course he gets down, this isn't really embellishment, it's because of Bunting's reputation.
    Doesn't bode well for him or the team, he's not gonna draw a penalty.

  9. Nhl Officials have become a complete joke. From the sounds of it, neither is the Nba.

  10. He purposefully continued backward 100% expecting to get cross checked and ready to take a dive.

  11. The refs have a problem No dive. Just watch Marchand with Boston. They favours him. Love the way they play good players just rats but the refs don’t want Toronto to win. So sad. NHL is going down hill.

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