Krug put himself in a terrible position there. Since when is it acceptable for hockey players to go into the corners with their head down and back to the play knowing someone is right on your ass about to throw a hit? Krug even pivots at the last minute making a dangerous collision even more likely.
Habs fan. Fn hate the Bruins but good for Miller. That's a dangerous fn hit legal or not. I'm saying it's not and that's charging. But that's just a nasty hit on what should of been a puck battle. The Swede will think twice about doing that again
Hockey Justice
I don’t see the boarding call, miller was turn and went low, Bjorktrand didn’t hit him from behind and barley hit him at all.
Krug put himself in a terrible position there. Since when is it acceptable for hockey players to go into the corners with their head down and back to the play knowing someone is right on your ass about to throw a hit? Krug even pivots at the last minute making a dangerous collision even more likely.
So Miller's knuckles appear to be taped or bandaged. Isn't that a game misconduct for fighting?
Jimmy Hayes is playing some good hockey, not on the Bruins.
Well.. get at it boys
Good to see miller sticking up for lil krug
Thumbs down, I wanted to hear jack Edwards he made it hype!
Fuck the BRUINS
Wow! Miller gave Bjork a quick Birthday beat down here and sat him on his ass where he was crying for the refs.😂 0:26, Nice view from down there.
Habs fan. Fn hate the Bruins but good for Miller. That's a dangerous fn hit legal or not. I'm saying it's not and that's charging. But that's just a nasty hit on what should of been a puck battle. The Swede will think twice about doing that again
Man it's 2017 and the Bruins are still a team…
There is no God.
What's with every Bruin taking exception to a legal hit? Still too many white boys in Boston with the small angry man syndrome.
Kevan Miller is a pussy
Bjorkstrand barely hit Krug, Miller who Is bigger in weight, maybe size but he literally pummeled Bjorkstrand to the ice for nothing.