@Edmonton Oilers

Toronto Maple Leafs Center John Tavares Fined $5000 for Slashing

Toronto Maple Leafs forward John Tavares has been fined $5000 for slashing Edmonton Oilers defenseman Vincent Desharnais.

More at Scouting The Refs:


  1. The Oiler was doing what every other defence man in the league does, he could of been given penalties for cross checking, but what he did wasn’t enough to knock down or injure the Leaf player, but that two handed slash was a deliberate intent to injure, $1000 fine was justified, should’ve also got at lease one game misconduct too.

  2. Deserved it….cross checking hitting the calves Jon took it not deharnais went down after one hit lol weak

  3. cross checking and an attempt at tripping. Deserved get chopped little shit maybe he will learn.

  4. BS fine! Desharnais had it commin! That guy should be thankful he didn't get it in the throat.

  5. You hit me 5 times in my back and between my legs, of course I slash you eventually.

    What if he does nothing? All the Oilers D would do the same saying Tavares is soft.

  6. Mans wacking a stick worth more than a couple months of my salary sheesh

  7. The oilrs have been getting special treatment by the refs all season in my opinion. Can't even breathe on McD without getting the box.

  8. How many cross checks and slashes does he need to take before he finally gives one back?

  9. He had it coming. Desharnais is the type of player that will thrive for a few seasons before everyone gets tired of his BS like this. Then he'll disappear or become one of those guys who plays a handful of games across 8 different teams in a span of a few years.

  10. I would’ve whacked him right over the head and made the defenseman regret his choice to play hockey

  11. And the other player got $15,000 in fines right?
    For cross checking, slashing and cross checking.
    NHL refs are a bad joke.

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