@Calgary Flames

Don Maloney explains why he fired Darryl Sutter

Don Maloney on why he fired Sutter

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  1. Good example why I'm sick of the NHL. "There's a shelf life to that type of coaching"???

    Did the wee wittle Flames players get their feewings hurt? It's a man's sport… act like MEN.

  2. Sutter simply cannot adapt to the new NHL or how to communicate with players of today, and he probably makes no apologies for that fact either.
    So he should stick to farming from here on in.
    Under a better coaching staff behind the bench, every Flames player will likely produce way better numbers next season.
    Watch for it.

  3. When Sutter refused to evaluate a new kid (Pelletier) after a game and appeared to need the stats sheet even to know his name, number, or how many minutes he'd plaued, Iknew his days were numbered.

  4. Maloney has no business around any first class professional sports franchise. He's so far over his head it's laughable. "We have good players." Yeah, just not enough…nowhere near as many as you had a year ago.

  5. Darryl may be back on the farm but his harvest will be very good, around $4 million for riding the tractor for the next two years.

  6. Your explanation sucks. You did Sutter dirty and have just established the precedent that underachieving is okay as long as there is someone else to blame.

  7. When you say you talk to player's agents on the TEAM, it shows why you had zero success in your other stops in the front office (your GM of the year in '10 was a gift from Bettman). Is that Huberdeau's agent that told you Darryl is a weak coach? How many cups did Huberdeau come close to….. or his agent? Letting the inmates run the asylum. Never trust a guy that goes to CVS to buy hydrogen peroxide regularly for his scalp. Poor judgement by Calgary ownership

  8. Huberdeau will be the down fall of the Calgary Flames!! Contract length and money, others player will want more when they look across the room at Hubby. GET RID of HIM NOW !

  9. Don Maloney -Time will tell how far out in left field you are ! Do not let the inmates run the asylum ! Good luck making the playoffs.

  10. You SIR made a big MISTAKE if you say he's a good coach why fire HIM ?? SIR can you do better ??

  11. I thought Calgary was full of tough guys. Looks like a bunch of vegans and pony boys to me.

    Nice city though, i went last year, nice city…. just a wimpy ass hockey team….


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