@St. Louis Blues

Barbashev hit on Gudas – Have your say!

Ivan Barbashev caught Radko Gudas leaning over on this hit. There was definite head contact, but no penalty. Was head contact avoidable or should this have been called? Tough Call will be reviewing the incident. Have your say!


  1. I don't like the hit for the head contact but more specifically Barbashev's follow through with his arms extending upwards. I think it should be a 5 min major and a 1 game suspension. I know this will be controversial. The player throwing the hit has to avoid the head being the principle point of contact. That was not the case here.

  2. Dirty or not, it made me smile. Gudas has been charging and running guys with intent to injure all the time. Hope that dirt bag Bennet is next

  3. Clear hit to the head- suspension warranted
    Whether you like Radko or not… the head was point of contact

  4. Of course there's no penalty. Barbashev lowered his shoulder to absorb an oncoming check. That's why you lead with your shoulder or hip when you line up the puck carrier, not your chest. Gudas tried to skate through him, probably a fair bet he'll remember that mistake next time around

  5. Just a couple of guys playing hockey… Gudas got unlucky… Hope he's okay! Anyway, it appears that Florida is up against a team that can be just as hard hitting, and can't be intimidated… So they might want to consider a different strategy…

  6. Goudas was the aggressor and ran into the shoulder. The injury was when his head bounced off the ice after he was down

  7. It looked like a "It's either him or me" situation, I don't think you can blame barbashev for defending himself but he also hits him high, although radko had a was awfully "low" posture, his legs were wide and he was obviously coming for a solid hit on barbashev.

    Edit: The more I look at it, the more it looks like Barbashev's the aggressor from A-Z. He never stops looking at Radko when he dumps, He was 100% always going to try and defend himself on a hit. I think Radko wasn't going for a Goonass play there but he got caught with a solid hit.

  8. Big man hit in a big man sport. If you’re short don’t lower yourself into a hit face first. Don’t square up on a guy that has the angle. Too square. Feet were aligned providing no solid base.

  9. Barbashes was moving the puck forward Gudas left Barbashev no place to go. Gudas went for the hit and received instead.

  10. Gudas dipped low in order to launch into a hard hit on Barbashev. Barbashev turned his head and saw Gudas coming less than a second before the hit and reacted. Had Gudas skated in more upright with the intent to deliver and finish a hard check rather than launching into a hit, Barbashev's shoulder would have planted into his chest.

  11. This hit just confirms how much the NHL is after a Vegas Cup. Wasn't a penalty called for less seconds before.

  12. gumba thought he was going to make the hit he got rocked solid hit gumba also slouched over lets move on he dosent have a solid rep for clean hits either he got his own medican

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