@Boston Bruins

Nick Foligno vs Dion Phaneuf Jan 17, 2012

Nick Foligno vs Dion Phaneuf from the Ottawa Senators at Toronto Maple Leafs game on Jan 17, 2012.


  1. @synonomousanonymous our team may not be better at this time.. but our franchise is so much better than yours.. its just funny that sens fans can't put up with us because of the fact you're jealous that we get more attention, always have and always will.. the day that we do start making the playoffs and winning, your team will become a non-factor back into the shadows of jealousy.. it will be quite a sight. but its ok u guys can yap away while you have the chance.

  2. @synonomousanonymous you have also remained to ignore the fact that the sens haven't won a cup since the 20's! maybe if you won since re-expansion then you'd have a reason to chirp our stanley cup drought.. and you still ignore the fact that you lost in the playoffs to the Leafs 4 times in 5 years! check mate, you lose.. the Leafs are better head-to-head, you can't deny that! i hope when we make the playoffs, the Sens are their waiting for us!

  3. I don't even give a FUCK about this argument, but watching this Dustin dude shoot himself in the foot REPEATEDLY has been highly entertaining. Thanks buddy!
    Oh and btw, yes the Sens haven't won post-expansion, which, not including this season, and the lockout year, is a span of 18 seasons. If you wanna get TECHNICAL they played 7 seasons in the old NHL, after their last Cup win. So that's 25 combined years without a Cup. That, to my count is 44 years (and 43 seasons) without a Stanley Cup.

  4. The Leafs have also failed to even make the finals in that span (despite your earlier claim, which I found quite amusing), something Ottawa has managed to do at least once in the last 18 (or 25) seasons. In the grand scheme of things, neither team has won jack shit, so you should both probably STFU (and me too!), but god man, learn how to argue! Be a proud Leafs fan, but brag about something that actually happened for God's sake.

  5. For the record I'm a Habs fan, to add further fuel to this fire. In terms of stupid Canadian hockey discussions, I trump you all. My team has the most Cups, and though it was eons ago, they're also the last Canadian team to win a cup. There, the official Habs fan club motto/defence. In truth? Who gives a shit. The truth? Ottawa is doing incredibly well for a young team in the first real year of rebuilding; though I'm loathe to admit it Toronto is doing alright, and moving in the right direction;

  6. and the Habs are fucking terrible and will probably blow up the entire team in the off-season. Watching them as a fan is painful, as a non-fan I'd imagine it's freakin' hilarious. So spin it however you want, no team wins ALL the time, and when you're not winning the Cup, you're losing, no matter how close you come, so who cares? At this point I'd be happy to see ANYONE other than Boston win, anyway.

  7. @DzekoSucks Lmao Phaneuf clearly lost…if he's not the only one in a fight with a visor on then he'll get wrecked everytime.

  8. @tapperlem1 it is hard to be a crack baby but more so a leafs fan i know man its getting tougher every year bro

  9. @MrTonyd333 Yeah we would of beat the fuck out of him for throwing cheap hits whats your point?

  10. You have to be a Leafs fan to argue that Phanuef won, he's not a bad fighter and he landed some punches here, but he still lost the fight.

  11. @rushpowerpratt I wouldn't say that, he's obviously not a very good fighter but he's not terrible, he's not really an enforcer at all he just hits well and is a great defenseman.

  12. @campbellmaccampbell i would hardly call foligno a plug, he's actually a pretty good player and phaneuf fights alot more than him

  13. "Lord knows if this was Boston Foligno would have gotten attacked by everyone"

    I think you misspelled "70's Flyers"

  14. This is probably why Ottawa hates Toronto and Toronto hates Ottawa but truth i hate Senators so Thats wat they get n Dion fully won that 🙂

  15. Color guy and analyst are hilarious Foligno is kicking the shit out of Phaneuf and they're talking about Big Mike like Phaneuf isn't taking a beating from his baby boy. 

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