@National Hockey League

If you ever feel useless, just remember someone voted McDavid FIFTH for the Hart Memorial Trophy

If you ever feel useless, just remember someone voted McDavid FIFTH for the Hart Memorial Trophy

by MichelSilence


  1. REAPER-1_xxx

    Fuck them. Single handedly stopped McDavid from being the only player to ever unanimously win the Hart twice. 99 & 97 are the only ones to do it once.

    Was it Fluto Shinzawa? Boston writer for the Athletic.

  2. Fancy_Nutz

    Whoever did, should be banned from voting again.

  3. georox97

    Whoever voted him 5th (and clearly Pasta 1st) should have their voting privileges revoked. That’s an absolute joke

    It would only ever sound like homer BS but maybe maybe you could make the worlds worst argument for why you pick Pasta first and McDavid second. There is absolutely no justifiable reason other than being a petty jackass to put him 5th

  4. Someone just wanted to be an attention-seeking clown. Any respect this person might have had is now gone

  5. GrandpaMofo

    Does anyone think he will ever ask to be traded? That team has no depth and no goaltending.

  6. last-expert84

    Whoever did it is going to regret it in the coming days. Their reputation will be tarnished. History was prevented tonight, and it’s a fucken shame.

  7. blueberry_muffin16

    So what are the chances the guy gets outed? And how bad is the backlash going to be? Because…yikes.

  8. AnonThrowaway998877

    Whoever it was, they just boldly proclaimed themselves a hack, whose opinions on anything hockey-related are absolutely worthless. Hopefully it will cost their career, because they clearly don’t belong in hockey.

  9. EyeHeartBidets

    I’m 99% sure Jack Edwards is a voter. Just sayin

  10. ImpressiveCan14

    Dude shouldn’t be allowed to vote anymore

  11. GhostsOfVegasPast

    I’d totally get it, but then I remember these are voted on prior to the playoffs…

  12. HappySeaTurtle15

    accidentally voted for biggest player personality

  13. Direct-Independent95

    Agreed, that voter needs to go back to hockey school! McDavid is a beast on the ice and deserves all the recognition.

  14. lurejelo

    Only possible excuse is the voter can’t follow directions and ordered this picks wrong. Swapping 5 with 1 and 4 with 2. 🤷‍♂️

  15. MarsHotelSouth

    It’s honestly amusing to me 🤣 like OK if you wanted Pasta first but what’s with the personal vendetta against 97 to drop him down to 5th 😭

    That person will have outed themselves as a complete hack if their identity gets released. All credibility gone. I am laughing at this but wow

  16. hurricanesznsover

    How much better is McDavid than the next in the league?

    Say in comparisons, if McDavid is Michael Jordan, the next best player in the NHL is like who in the NBA compared to Jordan?

  17. w_d_roll_RIP

    I feel like Boston homers are particularly annoying

  18. jbrakk22

    Like the Jeter HOF vote, there always has to be that one guy… In this case pretty sure they are from Boston….

  19. Detroit_2_Cali

    He’s gotta be the least recognizable best player in a sport in a long time. I just showed his picture to 7 of my friends at the poker table (all into sports but only kinda like hockey) and only 1 knew who it was.

  20. DevourerJay

    Amazing great and probably the best, INDIVIDUAL player. I don’t doubt it.

    But alone, he’s not enough and EDM will not he relevant, since he’s sucking so much of their cap.

    He’ll be just like Marino, great and amazing player.
    0 championships.

  21. Distinct_Curve2894

    I guess some people just can’t handle McDavid’s greatness…or they’re just really, really big fans of pasta 🍝🤔

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