@Toronto Maple Leafs



by MementxoMori


  1. cbal41990

    Imagine getting Naz back at 50% retained 🔥

  2. LeafsRealist

    Imagine the Kessel jokes being thrown around

  3. Wannacomesitonmydeck

    Dion buddy I have been there let it go. Go bald!

  4. Mean__Jerk__Time

    🎵Dion Phan-euf…bah bah de-dah-dah…🎵

    Also yes, Kadri coming back would be pleasing if the trade parts make sense.

  5. RandyMarsh_RedditAcc

    We’re the 3 best friends that anyone could ever have, we’re the 3 best friends that anyone could ever have!

  6. whothefvckk

    I’d be down for a Leafs multiverse team with all these guys, Schenn and Kessel involved in the organization somehow.

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