@National Hockey League

The NHL is so cringe 🤣

The NHL is so cringe 🤣

by BRF1818


  1. DeeezNugetz

    It’s really embarrassing as an old head ex NHL fan

  2. GetSuckedd

    Sheesh, buried my head in my shoulder while watching this

  3. MichealangeloRetardo

    Wish conner punted the kid into the audience

  4. shmoove_cwiminal

    Kids should just do kids programming.

  5. Grand-Imagination925

    Terrible panel , terrible event NHL should be embarrassed.

  6. Porkchopp33

    Yep worst part face of the NHL subjected to that

  7. Lucifers_Goldfish

    This was one of the worst award shows in recent memory. Unbearable.

  8. DaniCapsFan

    I totally forgot about the awards. Looks like I didn’t miss much.

  9. Zealousideal-Ad3814

    I mean the kids nervous but and players aren’t always the most enthusiastic or charismatic on the mic, but NHL needs to do better with this whole thing awkward as hell. Bettman ain’t increasing the viewership with stuff like this.

  10. oooriole09

    Probably more expensive than the salary of the asshole who wrote the bit for the kid.

  11. Time-Dot5984

    Glad I didn’t watch this embarrassing garbage from what everyone has been saying about this.

  12. DJ4aDay

    The NHL is missing the mark by a long shot.

    Best sport.
    Worst league.

  13. davesnotonreddit

    More fallout from writers strike

  14. vito_corleone01

    I thought Ellen Degenres was interviewing McDavid.

  15. deeho88

    Holy hell, I believe this is the reason why the NHL is not growing in popularity

  16. BruisedBabyMeat

    he’s still somehow less awkward than Subban

  17. LumbaJ4cked

    “It’s tiiiiiny” oh kid just murdered Mcdavids confidence

  18. Dixie_Normuss69420

    Between this and the kid the Wings are borderline exploiting at this point, how incredibly corny can this league get?

  19. GradeBeginning3600

    I hate the word cringe, it is so overused.


    Also I love that you used the word cringe for this because it totally fits

  20. SweetWithHeat

    Work hard my whole life for that hot chick, she deserves it

  21. BigDaddyQP

    Why did they cut away for all the live performances? I didn’t know any of them or care for them but I’m sure many others did.

  22. You can almost see McDavid’s soul leave his body. That was painfully embarrassing to watch. Like….who okay’d this??

  23. Aggressive_Light2207

    Looks like someone needs to check their pulse, because the NHL is pure adrenaline!

  24. 71Motorfly

    The on-ice product is great, but everything else about the NHL is absolute dog-shit.

  25. J_Warrior

    You would have thought it would have been a joke about McDavid not having a cup ring. You can’t even blame the kid because they didn’t even give him anything to work with

  26. Dinkems69

    If I were Connor McDaddy, I would never show up to another NHL awards show in my lifetime. Yikes

  27. Ok_Employee_9612

    Dude, wow. This skit had to be ok’d and approved by people you assume aren’t idiots.

  28. This is beyond just wishing I had never seen this… I wish this did not exist

  29. aLostBattlefield

    I mean… what do you expect McDavid to say to this kid? The kid can barely string a sentence together.

    Why are kids hosting the awards btw?

  30. ZombieIMMUNIZED

    I did find it funny, when Pasta said they finally found someone I can speak better English than, to be up here with me 😂

  31. AlpineSK

    After the entirety of the All-Star Weekend my expectations of last night could not be much lower. The NHL did not disappoint.

  32. No_Calligrapher7120

    Connor doesn’t give a Fook about anything but hockey lol. The NHL needs to get him in acting classes or something.

    But the real story is how Connors wife hit the lottery. Life is on easy mode

  33. QuiGGz96

    Who actually watches the awards show? 😂

  34. EndoMillsTV

    poor kid was just reading the script, from what it looks like

  35. Tatehamma

    The most cringe moment I’ve ever witnessed. This kid has zero talent and has no business being on a stage this large.

  36. robbiejandro

    I feel bad for that kid. McDavid is a wet mop and gives absolutely nothing to work with.

  37. RZAxlash

    Omg wtf. The kid roasts him on the ring being small, which is kind of mean…and he responds wuth ‘I worked hard, she deserves it’?!

  38. BigFatPapaBear

    This poor kid, 15 years later he’s going to be haunted by this.

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