@Detroit Red Wings

Friedman on Sportnet talking DeBrincat/Detroit: “I believe DeBrincat will end up in Detroit, but that’s not a guarantee, I might turn out to be wrong on that one, but I think that’s been a real challenge with those two teams trying to get it to the finish line”

Friedman on Sportnet talking DeBrincat/Detroit: “I believe DeBrincat will end up in Detroit, but that’s not a guarantee, I might turn out to be wrong on that one, but I think that’s been a real challenge with those two teams trying to get it to the finish line”

by zze0001


  1. kermitthefrog57

    I don’t buy it anymore idk about this deal happening

  2. Salamangra

    Get er done, Stevie. Wear down Dorion.

  3. reznorwings

    I feel if this trade does happen its after the first round. Sometime between round two and the first few days of free agency.

    Options get slimmer the more teams cap out between now and then. Cat has a short list of teams that he will sign with. We might be the only real game in town and I think Yzerman and Dorian know it.

  4. MyJazzDukeSilver

    Stevie’s trades will take place during the draft. He has assets and cap space that can be leveraged when other GMs are under the gun.

  5. Wheresthesass

    Come on Fried, commit to one angle and stick with it. This whole “maybe he will, maybe he won’t” routine is too much

  6. bestprocrastinator

    These Wings – Debrincat trade rumors have more “will they won’t they” tension then Jim and Pam in the first few seasons of the Office.

  7. dudewithchronicpain

    Friedman starting to sound like Pagnotta


    I’d love to be wrong, but it’s seeming more likely DeBrincat will be starting the season with Ott at least. They have leverage in arbitration with Cat and can afford to wait out unto the trade deadline. Cat is in a contract year and if he plays lights out it will only increase his value.

  9. On_Wings_Of_Pastrami

    Seems like Stevie knows he finally has leverage on a player and won’t overpay to get him here. We havent had a player of this caliber with Detroit on his short list in a while…ADB put Ottawa in a pickle and there’s no reason to help out.

    It could certainly backfire. He could get moved to another squad and then decide he likes the city he goes to…it’s happened before. But as long as ADB keeps limiting Dorion’s options, Stevie has no reason to pay up.

  10. Lark-NessMonster

    I’ve seen 2 sides to this. 1. Fuck this guy, a first for him as a product of Kane is not worth it. And 2. Let’s make this deal and pay him…. I option 3… let’s trade for him knowing Ottawa is fucked with him and sign him to a nice 4x 7 deal…

  11. MittenRaised

    It’s same division politics. If it’s meant to be, it’ll be.

  12. MittenRaised

    It’ll happen at 4:19am. Because Stevie

  13. Good. Don’t make the trade unless you feel like you’re getting the deal you want.

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