@Florida Panthers

Colin Kaepernick is BACK and ATTACKS the NFL because he ISN’T playing! NFL fans SLAM him for this!

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  1. The reason that Krappernick isn't playing is because his qb rating was in the 30s. This is a man who filed a lawsuit against his white adoptive parents because they're racists. The man needs to be institutionalized. He is the only one who doesn't seem to know this.

  2. A xfl team offered kap a contract. He turned it down stating he wanted 20 mill a season play in that league. He’s a joke

  3. Colin reminds me of Prince Harry, always blaming everyone else always playing the victim and will always be considered a has been!!…Oh he also trashes his family, just like Harry!!

  4. Exactly!!! What about all the black quarterbacks that have been hired!! Colin is such a joke😂 He has nothing to offer!

  5. He's been out of the league for one very simple reason. He isnt good enough. If he was someone would have picked him up. The NFL has had wife beaters, murderers, violent gun crimes and they all still played because they were good. Also players still kneel during the anthem til this day and none have been "Black balled" or not allowed to play. ONLY Kaepernick? Come on. Look at the facts. But nowadays people don't let facts get in the way of a good story. And PLEASE don't forget that he chose to opt out of his contract. THEN sued the NFL for millions of dollars. Was awarded millions of dollars. THEN expects a job in the NFL? Its unbelievable the balls this guy has and even more unbelievable that he has any people defending him. The saddest of all of this is the two loving people who adopted and cared and paid his way thru life have been repeatedly shit on by this idiot. Go away Kaepernick. Live with your decisions and the millions that were given to you not for your skill or talent, but for your martyr syndrome.

  6. Mental Illnesses is a serious subject, Colin clearly has needed help but yet to obtain.

  7. " waves hand like a Jedi " this is not the ballplyer you are looking for .

    Colan krappernick cant even dumpster dive on NFL property what does that tell you
    Agendas are only selfless when they aren't centered around you

  8. Why does he want to play so bad for a league that he accused of being a slavery opperation. If CK was worth anything as a quarter back (and humanbeing), he would be playing

  9. Krapernick sucks because he cannot play football good enough to make an NFL team and became a professional whiner and cry baby.

  10. If he really wanted to be relevent again he would look for work in the gay porn industry where he belongs.

  11. It’s not about the money or contract it’s about the integrity of a BLACK MAN he showing that the NFL is completely races yea the athletes get paid good money but you being use as a slave and on top of it all social justice police brutality on BLACKS and honoring a flag that and song that put blacks down as a race so at the end of the he don’t care about pay or playing if the NFL still has slave type structure in there organizations or league it’s ran by whites teams owned by whites so it’s designed for whites to be uplifting and it’s degrading to BLACKS all the fans and the outside Ppl see is they get paid millions but you a slave at the end of the day NOBODY realizes that by him taking a knee and protest black balled him out the league then teams reached out after the fact he should have never been put out but he was exposing white America so they tried to silence him WAKE UP BLACK PPL

  12. Kaepernick no team wants you because you are a distraction your playing days are over people who on the level of the NFL know when it's time to leave the game like they say old dreams Die Hard

  13. He knows he sucked as a QB AND He was very controversial and a BUM. Anyone kneeling for the AMERICAN FLAG, I have NO RESPECT FOR! I am tired of seeing that! GO to some other country and see what happens to you!

  14. Remember when he said it wasn't about the money he just wanted to play ball than was offered to play in the AFL and demanded 10 milion

  15. Will Colin ever shut up? Every F#(king year, he come out and runs his mouth about playing. The NFL paid his ass an undisclosed amout of money. Anyone disrespect the US Flag never been handed on like I have.

  16. Ah yes, Kaepernick. The one who said, "I quit." Then he pleaded, "Give me another chance, please!" Someone was generous enough to do so, and he doesn't show up. He's self entitled.

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