@Florida Panthers

I knew it would come down to this :/

I knew it would come down to this :/

by chrismaher6


  1. He is the ‘most’ expendable player we have. I love him, but his market value is down after the injury and subsequent play from last season. Half a point per game isn’t too shabby, but he didn’t really make a mark.

  2. spartancheerleader10

    As a person, I will miss him greatly. As a player, meh. He was too injury prone, makes a lot of errors, was only great for his speed, but didn’t have the hands to use that completely to his advantage. I would have loved him to go full beast mode and show us what he could do in the playoffs… but I think the Achilles injury made him expendable. He wasn’t the same.

    Edit, if we get hanifin, that’s a game changer for us. But I doubt gudas would be returning, and that makes me sad.

  3. PurifiedVenom

    Would suck but we do need help on the blue line so it would make sense

  4. doormatsandmatadors

    They sure they wanna trade with us again?😈

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